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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Receive a free tree at 2022 Earth Day Celebration
earth day 2022 flyer

Dr. Karen Bell, Keep Liberty Beautiful

Keep Liberty Beautiful recently received a grant that allows us to provide our community, Liberty County, with trees during this year’s annual Earth Day Celebration. 

Because of this grant, we need to follow up with whoever gets a tree over the course of five years about the progress and growth of the tree. 

To reserve a tree, please go to SignUpGenius and search with our email,, or use this link: https://bit. ly/38ueaq9. We have River Birch Trees, Popcorn Viburnum, Crape Myrtles, fig trees, blueberry bush, butterfly, and pollinator plants. One tree per person, please.

Great American Cleanup efforts are still going strong. We have four more cleanups this weekend and are looking forward to several more, like the City of Riceboro’s on April 30, and the City of Walthourville’s on May 21. If you have not volunteered yet, I urge you to consider how you can make a positive difference in our community in a few hours on a Saturday morning.

Littering is unpleasant and can cause severe health and safety issues.

It also affects how prospective businesses and other visitors to our community view Liberty County. I hope you consider getting involved in our volunteer cleanups this spring because your presence can make a significant difference. These cleanups help get up the trash that people have left on the road. It also reminds your neighbors that most citizens, including you, don’t want that litter on the street.

Cleanup volunteers on the roads are a teaching tool for those who drive by as a reminder not to litter.

While we are preparing for more cleanups for Great American Cleanup, here are some tips for stopping the litter that each of us can use daily: 1. Set an example by NOT littering. Carry a litter bag in your car and hang on to the waste until you find a garbage receptacle. 2. Pick up one piece of litter every day. Mainly pick up trash around storm drain sewers. Anything going in these goes directly to our waterways. 3. Remind others, like your family, neighbors and co-workers, the proper ways to dispose of litter. 4. Ensure your trash cans have good-fitting lids so litter cannot fall or blow out. If you transport garbage or recyclable items to area convenience centers for disposal, make sure that your bags and containers are secure in your vehicle. 5. Ask your neighbors to join you in cleaning up one area in your community where litter accumulates.

“Adopting” that area can help reduce the amount of litter because people litter less in maintained areas and appear to be “adopted” by people who care.

Plan now to make a difference where you live, work and play. All organizations, churches, businesses, families, neighborhoods and civic clubs are encouraged to register to participate in the Great American Cleanup until June 30. You can visit our website, www.keepliberty, or use this link to sign up: KLBGreatAmerican-Cleanup2022. KLB provides all the cleanup supplies (garbage bags, safety vests, work gloves and even litter reachers) and water for these cleanups.

This year, we are also providing official Keep Liberty Beautiful T-shirts for all registered volunteers.

Finally, don’t forget to mark your calendars for some environmental fun!

KLB Earth Day Celebration 2022 is an event that can actually be enjoyed by everyone in your family. It is free, and it is fun!

But the best part, honestly, is that it is information that we can all use in our lives. Our planet could use a little help from all of us. Join us so we all can help protect our Earth.

We still need booth hosts for the event. You can go to SignUpGenius. com and search with our email address, klcb@libertycountyga. com, to see the booth activities that are still available. For more information, contact KLB at (912) 880-4888 or email klcb@liberty

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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Protecting your garden from the cold
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.
I watched the news the other day, and a cold front was approaching. When I say it was cold, that does not express how cold it was outside.
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