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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Winning awards go hand-in-hand with KLB volunteers
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.

Dr. Karen Bell

Keep Liberty Beautiful

Each year, the prestigious Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation (KGBF) celebrates individuals, groups, and organizations that exemplify efforts to protect the state’s environment through litter prevention, waste reduction, recycling, and beautification.

Keep Liberty Beautiful was recognized for its Sky to the Ground initiative, a collaborative effort that has significantly improved our environment.

This initiative, aimed at restoring trees and plants lost to storms and county expansion, has not only beautified our surroundings but also enhanced our air quality and lowered temperatures.

Through extensive surveys to identify areas in need, KLB fostered partnerships with 40 community entities, including schools, businesses, libraries, churches, youth organizations, and local government. Together, they sowed over 3,000 flower and vegetable seeds, planted 1,000 plants, and planted 2,500 trees. A comprehensive five-year plan was implemented to monitor and sustain the project, and Rain Barrel Workshops were conducted in collaboration with Georgia Coastal Management.

The Keep Liberty Beautiful project has not only enriched the environment but also the lives of many Liberty County and Long County residents. It has given birth to several communities and mobile gardens, which will soon bear the literal fruits of their labor.

Keep Liberty Beautiful, a true champion of environmental conservation, was chosen for the Trailblazer of the Year Award (a community with a population of Up to 100,000) for the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation Environmental Excellence Awards program.

KLB is deeply grateful to the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation for this recognition, which is a testament to our unwavering commitment and hard-working Volunteers.

“We’re honored to celebrate the work being done in local communities to make our state cleaner, greener, and more beautiful,” said Natalie Johnston-Russell, executive director of KGBF. “This year’s honorees bring the spirit of our mission to life in exceptional ways.”

KLB staff, volunteers, sponsors, partners, and advisory board members are what make us an award-winning organization. Last Thursday, KLB celebrated with 70 wonderful, dedicated, and enthusiastic volunteers, with the theme “Hats Off ” to our KLB volunteers.

Liberty County benefits from all the outstanding Keep Liberty Beautiful volunteers.

Our volunteers give up their time to make a difference in our community. Keep Liberty Beautiful volunteers who take care of our environment and encourage others to do so. We should celebrate volunteering every day!

Volunteering can be such a positive experience for the person who volunteers, the organization, and the community benefiting from the involvement. I found “Benefits of Volunteering: 10 Reasons To Volunteer!” online by Stacey Buttel and Amber Krosel, last updated on July 31, 2023. They pointed out that if you are the type of person who craves a lot of social interaction or whether you prefer as little as possible, volunteering has social, career, and personal benefits: 

1. Provides you with a sense of purpose - You may be able to find your purpose through volunteering and becoming part of something greater than yourself.

2. Provides a sense of community - Volunteering can help you feel connected to those you are helping in the community. 

3. Helps you meet new friends—Volunteering is a great way to make new friends and strengthen existing connections with friends, family, or coworkers.

4. Increases your social skills - Volunteering gives you a chance to talk to new people and sharpen your social skills.

5. Improves self-esteem - Volunteering may boost your self-esteem and self-confidence.

6. Teaches you valuable skills - Volunteering can help you learn new skills and build upon ones you already have, thanks to the training and hands-on experience you gain.

7. Provides job prospects - Along with acquiring valuable skills and experience, you may also meet people while volunteering who can become your mentors or at least a part of your professional social network.

8. Brings fun into your life - Many people use volunteering as a way to pursue their hobbies while making a difference. 

9. Can help you be happier - Contributing to projects and organizations that mean something to you often feels good. These good feelings can help lessen the effects of stress, anger, or anxiety in your life.

10. Gets you out of your comfort zone Through volunteer work, you may overcome the personal challenges of leaving your comfort zone and doing something new with people you may not know.

As you can see, volunteering has benefits that strengthen the character development of all who participate.

If you want to volunteer with Keep Liberty Beautiful or learn more about our programs, call (912) 880-4888 or email You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, or our website, www.

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