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Letter to the Editor: Smith made an impact in his long teaching career
letter to editor new

Dear Editor,

I just saw the notice in your online edition saying former county commissioner Sampie Smith had passed into spirit. I did not know the gentleman personally, but my general impression was of an honorable gentleman who tried his best to provide quality service to the citizens of our county during his terms as county commissioner.

I did not realize, or perhaps remember, that he had also spent so many years influencing next generations of leaders through his service to the community at Bradwell Institute. God bless him for being willing to do so! He surely must have enjoyed his tenure or he would not have done it for so long.

That is what marks good/influential teachers: they are not in it for the money or the glory, but for the chance to make a real and lasting impact on the lives of those they touch.

He did that. We are all the richer for his willingness to be of service in his many roles.

God speed, Sampie. And thank you.

Raphael Semmes, Midway

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