Dear Editor,
We support Congressman Buddy Carter the Okefenokee Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in their efforts to get World Heritage Site status for the swamp.
WHS status would increase conservation, tourism and funding opportunities. The international acclaim would undoubtedly cast the Okefenokee onto the global stage, garnering support for the ongoing preservation of this unique natural treasure.
Unfortunately, there are individuals spreading baseless conspiracy theories regarding the implication of WHS status. One lie being spread is that gaining WHS status would cause Georgia to lose control of the refuge to the United Nations. This is false. Just like Yellowstone and the Everglades, WHS status would not change who makes decisions for or owns the Okefenokee Swamp.
This recognition would not only solidify the refuge’s reputation as a natural marvel but also bring about substantial economic benefits to surrounding communities.
In summary, the designation as a World Heritage Site would be a victory for local businesses, conservation, the state of Georgia and taxpayers. Congressman Buddy Carter has taken a proactive stance by introducing a resolution advocating for this designation, urging UNESCO to bestow Georgia with its first World Heritage Site. We urge those who are spreading misinformation to look at the facts and join us in our fight to preserve the swamp for generations.
Pat Snelsire, Melinda Schneider, Martha Kitchings