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Letter to the editor: A thank you to all the veterans
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On July 4, 2024, our country will be 248 years old. Since its inception many years ago, we can attribute its existence to one constant – veterans.

Every year our nation recognizes veterans and their families by decree: National Vietnam War Veterans Day (March) Gold Star Spouse Day (April) National Military Appreciation Month (May) Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May) Memorial Day (May) D-Day (June) Women Veterans Day (June) Independence Day (July) National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day (July) Purple Heart Day (August) National POW/MIA Recognition Day (September) Veterans Day (November) National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (December) There are 435 U.S. House districts in Congress. According to the Veterans Affairs website, in the 116th Congress, the 1st District of Georgia has more veterans than 426 of the remaining districts. The total, according to the VA, is more than 78,000.

Thank you, veterans and families, for your selfless service to our country.

All gave some – some gave all.

Bruce A McCartney, Trade Hill Community

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