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Letter to the Editor: Voting to stop a ‘king’ will preserve our democracy
letter to editor new

Dear Editor,

This past 4th of July 2024, I found myself in a melancholy mood pondering whether it would be our last as the great and mighty nation. I thought about the barefoot boys in the snow in Delaware led by general George Washington during the Revolutionary War.

The recent Supreme Court decision granting complete immunity for crimes committed by the president defies all understanding of the general population at large. President Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts by a jury of his peers and that case may be rendered moot by the court’s decision, as well as the three other major cases that he’s still faced with.

The 2025 plan is the plot to destroy our Constitution and change America forever. They want to cut out the beating heart of our democracy and show it to us. And we the people of the United States of America shall know, “Sorrow, Suffering and Woe”. Caught off guard sitting on our sofas knowing that it’s election time, we the people have the right to choose whether we want to elect a king.

Our Donald Trump is the deep state tens of millions of his followers believe they’re fighting against. Our elected government officials to come to him on bended knees and kiss his hand, and swear oath of loyalty to him as king. During his trial in New York, “Republicans in name only” all showed up to show their support for him, setting aside responsibilities to the people of the United States of America If elected again he has the plan and the people to destroy America, we know it. God has blessed the Republic of the United States of America.

Whatever happened to the ideals of truth, justice and the American way? Lyman Hall and Button Gwinnett would be shocked that this year we will be voting to elect a king. These two citizens of Liberty County were two of 53 men the sign the Declaration of Independence.

Life is full of choices and we the people of the United States of America have the civic responsibility, duty to vote to preserve our 248-year-old democracy, Americans must take this opportunity to be wise and not foolish. Get up off the couches and vote.

Ted Harris, Midway

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