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Make lawmakers finish their work
Letter to editor
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Editor, Regarding Sunday’s sequestration column — well said, Mr. Mayor.
Just to comment on your editorial a bit, I think President Barack Obama was justified in recommending and signing into law the bill that included sequestration that put us in the pickle we’re in today.
We shouldn’t have to call and ask Congress to craft a budget that will do away with sequestration. The Constitution mandates the president, Senate and House each submit a budget every year.
The president had no choice last year in creating the sequestration bill. He has submitted a budget every year he’s been in office. The House has submitted a budget every year for the past several years. The Senate, well, it hasn’t fulfilled their Constitutional obligation and hasn’t submitted a budget in, what, four or five years now. The president had no choice.
Yes, we should make our voices heard in Washington, but I’m thinking more of the Samuel L. Jackson Atlanta Falcons commercial — “Rise up. Rise up, Atlanta. Let your voices be heard.”
If the president doesn’t submit a budget, demand he stay in Washington. If the House doesn’t submit a budget, demand it stays in Washington. If the Senate doesn’t submit a budget, demand it stays in Washington until the job is finished.
The president had no choice other than sequestration to make the Senate fulfill its obligation. Unfortunately, it snubbed its nose at him.
What would be the consequences if the mayor got up in the middle of a council meeting and decided it was time to go to Disney World?
We seriously need your voice now, Mr Jackson. “Rise up. Rise up, America.”

— Bruce A. McCartney
Trade Hill community

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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Protecting your garden from the cold
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.
I watched the news the other day, and a cold front was approaching. When I say it was cold, that does not express how cold it was outside.
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