Editor, I want to thank everyone for voting in this year’s primary election. I am humbled by your votes of confidence in me and my ability to lead our county for the next four years.
I do not regard Tuesday’s election as a victory for any particular political party or interest group. During my campaign, I made it clear that my only concern is the continued progress of our county and the well-being of its residents. In pursuit of this goal, I will serve all the people of Liberty County regardless of party affiliation, political allegiance, special interests, race or agenda.
While at times I may disagree with a particular position, I always will keep an open mind and carefully consider each matter based on its individual merits. In any event, I always will seek and encourage full participation from our citizens in the decision-making process. It is for you, after all, that our government exists, and it is you who I will serve.
During the past several weeks, it has been my privilege to talk to many of you about a variety of issues. Regardless of the topic, I have been impressed with the conviction and passion that often were expressed. I intend to continue this community dialogue throughout my term as chairman, and I ask that more of you join in these discussions. It is only by your active participation in government — whether by voting, attending public meetings, volunteering for public service or otherwise voicing your concerns and ideas — that our community truly will prosper.
As I prepare for office, please stop me in the grocery store or on the street and share your thoughts on how to make our community an even better place to work and raise our families. I love Liberty County and, with your help, hope to accomplish much in the areas of economic development, higher education, community and youth outreach, improved public services and infrastructure, and fiscal accountability. Most importantly, however, I will ensure that your government is open and responsive to your needs and concerns. Together, we can make a difference.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as your chairman of the Liberty County Board of Commissioners and ask for your continued support. Thank you.
— Donald Lovette
Commission chairman-elect