Dear Editor,
Breast cancer has killed many of my husband’s family members by the time they reached Forty Seven.
His maternal grandmother and mother died from breast cancer. The last person to have fallen to breast cancer was a first cousin. It is importance for everyone to be breast cancer conscience.
Therefore, I pay homage to our family, PINK Ribbons for 47.
His grandmother, a North Carolinian, migrated to tidewater, Virginia around the turn of the century. Her greatest pleasure in life growing up in North Carolina was chasing butterflies in the large green fields that surround their small house.
She enjoyed playing hid and seek and tag with her brothers and sisters.
In Norfolk, Virginia, she worked as a maid. She got marriedand bore three children, two boys and one girl. She pass by the time she reached 47. Therefore, I pay homage to PINK Ribbons for 47.
My mother-in-law, who was raised by her uncle married a military officer.
She spent long stretches of the time being both, mother and father to their children. His mother was an avid Ggardener.
She would garden at every military location in her travel. His mother too passed when she was 47. Therefore, I pay homage to PINK Ribbons for 47.
My sister-in-law also got married and had three children. She loved putting her feet in the ocean shores as the sand raise through her feet.
A person who enjoyed packing up her boys and taking long trips out of town. Like her grandmother, mother, and probably greatgrandmother before her, she was diagnosis with breast cancer.
The cause of death was heart disease secondary to chemotherapy treatment. Therefore, I again pay
homage to PINK Ribbons for 47.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This being said, I would like to reiterate the importance of performing a self-breast exam, having a regularly scheduled mammogram and a buddy breast cancer remainder system in place. Early prevention/ detection saves lives.
The following are some of the recommendations for early detection for women of average risk for breast cancer: You can choice to start an annual breast mammograms between the ages of 40 to 44. Those who are between the ages of 45 to 54, it is recommend that they have a mammogram performed yearly.
Women 55 years of age and older should have a mammogram performed every 2 years. A Breast exams should be performed by a doctor or a healthcare worker every 1 to 3 years, if a women is between the ages 20-39. It is also recommended that women 40 years and older have a mammogram performed yearly.
If you have a family history of breast cancer, it is recommended that a clinical breast exam be performed every 6 months, starting no later than ten years before the age of the earliest diagnosis in the family (but not earlier than 25 and not later than age of 40.
If you are turning 20 years of age as of October, I encourage you to begin performing monthly breast self-exams. The following is a recommended internet site to download a PDF self-exam tools: //www. womans . org / publ i c a tions/2014/08/ breast-self-examination These are difficult times. Breast cancer does not discriminates. It touches all ages, social and economic classes. Though these are difficult times, every woman must take the time out to perform self-maintenance. Today’s woman must be proactive for not only themselves, but for their family. I welcome the day where I will never pay homage to PINK RIBBONS for 47.
Ms. Donna Gamble Hinesville