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Protest EPA's new water regulations
Letter to editor
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Editor, On April 21, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a proposal in the federal register that would greatly expand the authority of the federal government to regulate water and wet areas on private property.
The Long County Farm Bureau believes this proposed rule goes too far. This rule affects everyone who owns property, not just farmers. We urge all property owners to submit comments to EPA telling it to back off and withdraw the proposed rule.
Georgia Farm Bureau has a website,, dedicated to opposing this federal overreach. Additional information can be found at this site along with a sample set of comments interested people can use to express opposition to the rule. Comments can be added to address the sender’s specific concerns.
If the rule is finalized, the EPA and the Corps will regulate virtually every area of ground that gets wet in the country, including those areas that only have water flow during heavy rains. The change would expand regulatory authority to many land features, including ditches and ponds, giving the agencies the power to regulate land use. This rule is an effort to go around the will of Congress and to thwart U.S. Supreme Court case decisions on the issue.
These federal agencies have no accountability to the citizens they seek to regulate. Please take a few minutes to tell EPA to ditch the rule. Go to the aforementioned websites and submit comments urging the EPA to withdraw the rule. The comment deadline is Oct. 20. Your comments do matter. The original comment deadline of July 21 was extended after the agencies received numerous requests for an extension.

— Manuel Sneed, president
Long County Farm Bureau

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Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.
I watched the news the other day, and a cold front was approaching. When I say it was cold, that does not express how cold it was outside.
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