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Put a local business on environment's nice list
Keep Liberty Beautiful
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I know we are all rushing around right now for the holidays with parties, shopping, tree lightings, shopping, church, etc., etc., etc.
I think you probably get my point. We do a lot of shopping for the holidays, so why not give a big Christmas thank-you to local businesses that provide these shopping opportunities in their attractive locations? During this month, we are accepting nominations for attractive local businesses for our quarterly Win-dex awards in Liberty County.
Since 2007, in partnership with the Liberty County Chamber of Commerce, Keep Liberty Beautiful has sponsored these awards to recognize local businesses who maintain attractive, litter-free properties that enhance our overall community. We ask you to have a say in what businesses are recognized by nominating businesses that you notice this month. Any business or public property, schools or even churches anywhere in Liberty County is eligible. We will select two that will be recognized in January by the chamber.
Creating a nice-looking Liberty County is good for all of us who live here. Attractive, clean communities draw businesses and new residents and are healthier places for all of us to thrive in. They also make it so much more enjoyable when we are holiday shopping, so inviting and/or creative holiday decorations can count, too, in the nomination process.
So, take a moment or two right now to help select some special businesses by sending in your nomination right now. Our Win-dex Award winners set the standard for the way we would like all of our businesses to look. You have a say so in what businesses are selected by sending in a nomination for a local business that deserves to be appreciated.
Since we started, the Win-dex Awards have recognized over 60 local businesses that present an inviting appearance. Attractive businesses make a statement about our community and deserve recognition.
Here are the traditional criteria for nominations:
• Is the exterior clean?
• Is the landscape well-maintained?
• Is the building exterior nice-looking and not in need of repair?
• Is the frontage property mowed and litter-free?
• Is the sidewalk and parking area clean and maintained?
• Is this area free of cigarette butts?
• Are their attractive plantings decorating the exterior?
• Have there been recent upgrades or renovations, even including a simple paint?
• Is the entryway inviting?
• Are there special holiday decorations?
Don’t hesitate if you want to nominate your own business or one you work for. Be Santa for a moment and recognize those businesses that are on the “nice list” this year — not the naughty list. Make that happen with your nomination.  
You can get nomination forms at the KLB office by calling 880-4888 or emailing  or by calling the chamber office at 368-4445. Make it really easy and just call or email your nomination information to us, including the business’ location and why they should be recognized. We will accept nominations through Dec. 31, but do not wait — we all know that the next few weeks will be busier and busier.
Santa says thank a local business this month. Your nomination also might push you up a notch on Santa’s list, too!
Read more about Keep Liberty Beautiful — including tips to help the environment and upcoming events — by going to

Swida is director of Keep Liberty Beautiful.

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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Protecting your garden from the cold
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.
I watched the news the other day, and a cold front was approaching. When I say it was cold, that does not express how cold it was outside.
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