Editor, As the voters of Liberty County are aware, the T-SPLOST did not pass in many regions of the state, including the Coastal Region (Region 12). There were high expectations that it would pass in Region 12 and lower expectations for other regions. Not passing in Region 12 was a great disappointment; however, all is not lost in the efforts to approve the TIA project list for this region. Each of the 10 counties in the Coastal Region has identified transportation-improvement projects that are important to their needs.
As chairman of the Liberty County Board of Commissioners and chairman of the HAMPO policy committee, I have worked very hard — along with many others — to get enough voter support to pass the T-SPLOST here in Liberty County. Your vote served as a vote of confidence in what the local officials are trying to do in order to address Liberty County’s infrastructure-improvement needs.
I would like to thank the voters who voted for the T-SPLOST, HAMPO Director Sonny Timmerman and his staff for the technical support in getting the county TIA project list compiled, chamber of commerce CEO Leah Poole and staff for promoting the vote, the financial contributors, everyone involved in the town hall meetings held around the county and to the county and city elected officials who worked diligently in promoting the positive benefits of the T-SPLOST.
I would like to encourage each and every one to continue to work with GDOT in identifying road projects in critical need that can be funded with the limited financial resources that are available to meet the counties’ and cities’ needs.
Thank you again for your support.
— John D. McIver
Chairman, Liberty Co. Board of Commissioners