Super Bowl XLVII was Sunday, and you can bet there will be at least one major call by instant replay that will impact the game tremendously.
We didn’t have instant replay when I was a kid playing football, baseball and other games in the schoolyard just a few hundred yards from my house where I grew up. But we did have the “do-over.” A do-over was initiated when the outcome of a play could not be determined fairly, typically resulting in one or both teams being extremely upset over the call. I can remember taking a do-over many times on a strike-three call that I maintained was a “tipper” or foul ball.
Thank God for the do-over. I was the master of it and would be chosen by a team for this skill alone. Hey, it beats being picked last!
I have spent quite a bit of time with seniors. I started at a young age helping older folks in my neighborhood, and it has carried over to my professional career today. I’ve heard a lot of sayings about getting old, life and second chances. One of my favorites is by Fred Astaire, who said, “Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young.” C.S. Lewis had a different spin on aging. He said, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” I like this one, too.
The biggest decision to make is when to start. How about today? According to a study by the University of Scranton, 25 percent of New Year’s resolutions are broken within the first week of the new year, and less than 50 percent make it six months. Many people get so depressed about their situation they give up altogether; or say I’ll start tomorrow – again and again and again. Procrastination is like a credit card, it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill. Take action today to make your life more interesting, healthy and fun.
One thing for sure: Life doesn’t have an instant replay or do-over button. But that doesn’t mean one has to take life as it comes and do nothing about it. Astaire was right — when you start out young making good decisions, eating the right food and maintaining an active lifestyle, your chances are better for living a longer, more productive life. By the same token, Lewis had it right as well — it’s never too late to start. You might find yourself in the back of the pack, but slow and steady can still win the race.
Make the decision today, and then put yourself in the position to achieve the goal. I can’t keep myself fit if I don’t put on my workout shoes and go to the garage (yes I work out in my garage — it’s cheap and convenient). And I still have a hard time getting there, but once I’m there I do something, and before I know it I’m finished. Being consistent is the biggest factor for achieving your goals.
Take Fred’s advice if you are young and start now. If you are older, what are you waiting for? Time’s a-ticking! Don’t forget to get clearance from your doctor, spouse and any pets in the house before you start a fitness program … and remember this phrase that dons my friend’s t-shirt: “Getting Old Ain’t for Sissies.”
Rich DeLong is the executive director for The Suites at Station Exchange. Email him at
There are no instant replays in real life
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