Change is difficult. It can be quite scary due to fear and uncertainties. People tend to be creatures of habit. We get into and become accustomed to our daily routines. It sometimes defines who we are and our lifestyle and we find comfort and familiarity in that.
But as with nearly everything, there will come a point in time where change is inevitable. Still the mere thought of having to change things up can throw some of us in a tizzy.
But there is often an upside to change. While difficult, at first, change can inspire new thoughts and ideas, bring new resources and people together and produce better long-lasting results.
We’ve already experienced several positive changes here at the Courier and appreciate our loyal readers who have stood by us through these recent transitions. You’ve welcomed me as the new General Manager of the Courier and Bryan County News. For that I am still grateful. You’ve also been gracious to our new editor Denise Etheridge.
We’ve brought in new editorial staff and sales executives. We are proud to say we are at the forefront of digital media after launching our new mobile friendly web-site, this past April, providing our readers access to community news 24/7-365.
We will continue to bring you thought provoking, fun and informative local news. These are the stories that affect your community, your tax base and dollars, your local education system and your overall quality of life.
It is the news you need to be an informed resident and the information you will not get from other news periodicals outside our immediate coverage area. We are your home town news source.
Many community papers across America, including the Courier, are still struggling to make ends meet. Publishing our newsprint editions is continually challenged by the increases in print costs.
But we firmly believe that print media is still viable and a necessary method of keeping our readers informed and engaged about their community and surrounding areas. So we continue to seek methods of saving expenses, while increasing local and pertinent content, in print and online.
In doing our due diligence we felt it necessary to reevaluate our distribution and delivery methods. We knew we would find that some people pay for one newspaper but take more than one out of the rack (Full disclosure I did that when I was a kid. Two papers for the price of one, woohoo).
In order to remain viable as a business we’ve decided to discontinue carrier delivery in our rural areas and will be depending on the resources of the U.S. Postal Service to provide our customers with their newspapers. The lack of density in housing makes it impractical for continued carrier delivery.
This change will be effective Aug. 11.
You will get your paper on the same day you always have, the only difference being it will be sitting dry in your mailbox rather than in your driveway.
While this is a big change for us, it is in keeping with the norm for most small newspapers across the country, which have for years depended on the postal service for delivery. In fact it is the current method for home deliveries at the Bryan County News.
We need our community’s continued support. Subscribers are the root and soul that sustain us, so I am going to ask you all for a huge favor. Give it a chance. Give it a try. Give this new delivery method time to grow on you. I am confident that this too can become your new routine. It’s as easy as getting your mail.
Patty Leon
Leon is the general manager for the Coastal Courier and Bryan County News.