To characterize our community leaders as apathetic is unfair. Perhaps the accuracy in your statement lies in the inability to generate support. You were correct in your quote that “there is no reason that the room should not have been packed.” That is where the TRUE apathy exists: there are too many parents that don’t care. Unfortunately, for every group of parents that show no interest in their children, a small group of helpless ones lie in the shadows. This is where our efforts need to be concentrated.
Maybe I missed it, but I did not find anywhere in the article that discussed what plans would or could be taken to address the problem. There is an inference that more programs should be developed, but what kind of programs are we talking about, and what of the current programs?
According to the article, Judge Darden mentioned that “We’re going to have to focus on more generosity.” I honestly don’t know how much more compassionate our juvenile justice system can be. As it seems now, the revolving door is just as effective there as it is in the adult criminal justice system. I’m a bit surprised that you did not attempt to address the collation of juvenile crime to the increase of male between the ages of 17 to 25. This is arguably the bracket in which most violent crimes are committed. Thus as the population within this bracket builds, so will crime.
This is a huge social issue that is complex and has far reaching ramifications, and it is sad that this potentially powerful assembly appears to have provided nothing more than lip service in addressing the issue. I am glad there was discussion, but how long does this problem have to be discussed before real action is taken?
Maybe my characterization is unfair. I did not, afterall attend the meeting. So in the spirit of all that is fair, I proffer my suggestions:
1. Strengthen the Juvenile Justice System with hard programs aimed at both reformation and PUNISHMENT.
2. Make it harder for enrollment in social programs and put an emphasis on job placement rather than blanket support.
3. Slowly eliminate the reliance on government in social programs.
It’s your turn!
Blogger: Tom Hickey
Maybe I missed it, but I did not find anywhere in the article that discussed what plans would or could be taken to address the problem. There is an inference that more programs should be developed, but what kind of programs are we talking about, and what of the current programs?
According to the article, Judge Darden mentioned that “We’re going to have to focus on more generosity.” I honestly don’t know how much more compassionate our juvenile justice system can be. As it seems now, the revolving door is just as effective there as it is in the adult criminal justice system. I’m a bit surprised that you did not attempt to address the collation of juvenile crime to the increase of male between the ages of 17 to 25. This is arguably the bracket in which most violent crimes are committed. Thus as the population within this bracket builds, so will crime.
This is a huge social issue that is complex and has far reaching ramifications, and it is sad that this potentially powerful assembly appears to have provided nothing more than lip service in addressing the issue. I am glad there was discussion, but how long does this problem have to be discussed before real action is taken?
Maybe my characterization is unfair. I did not, afterall attend the meeting. So in the spirit of all that is fair, I proffer my suggestions:
1. Strengthen the Juvenile Justice System with hard programs aimed at both reformation and PUNISHMENT.
2. Make it harder for enrollment in social programs and put an emphasis on job placement rather than blanket support.
3. Slowly eliminate the reliance on government in social programs.
It’s your turn!
Blogger: Tom Hickey