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U.S. flags should be disposed of properly
Dennis Fitzgerald - photo by Photo by Randy C. Murray

My Fellow Americans, it is once more time to Stand Up and take Pride in Your National Colors, The American Flag. As a Veteran, I know first hand the Sacrifices many American Service Members have made to allow us to keep this Beautiful Symbol f Our Freedoms Flying. From the time it first flew over Baltimore Harbor and Francis Scott Key, penned the Star Bangle Banner to now when it has been disrespected in our Nations Capitol, this Flag has always Stood alone. We must not Disrespect it in any way. I have been accused of being a Hard head when I see a US Flag flying in someone’s front yard,

at a Business Concern or even a Government Building, I have taken the unserviceable US Flags down and replaced them with new ones of the same size. When a US Flag becomes unserviceable, it MUST Be Properly Retired of then Properly Disposed of; yet far too many Americans do not know just had to accomplish this.

Thus, once again, East Liberty County American Legion Post 321, will conduct a Proper Retirement and Disposal Ceremony on Saturday, February 20th, 2021 at 5 PM (17:00 hrs.), this Ceremony will take place in the Vacant Field just N of Mr. Cash and The Split Fin Brewery on Butler St, Midway, GA. So, if you have an Unserviceable American Flag and want us to properly Retire and Dispose of it for you or if you want to see just how this Ceremony is Conducted, Please come to this

Reverent and Respectful Ceremony. We encourage all to come on our and learn about The American Flag and how to Properly Retire it and Dispose of it.

For More Info, I can be reached by email at: abn.

Yours in Service, Dennis P. Fitzgerald DENNIS P. FITZGERALD Commander, 1st District, Dept. of GA, TAL Chief, Riceboro Volunteer Fire/Rescue Dept


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