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What the heck is with TV shows?
Patty Leon new

Have you ever watched some of these shows on TV and wonder what the heck?

Like when watching HGTV and this couple is looking to buy a new home.

Narrator: Bob and his wife Betty are looking for a new home closer to the beach. Bob works for a volunteer fire department. Betty is a waitress at an old fashion diner.

Program host: What are you looking for and what’s your budget?

Couple: Open concept with a granite kitchen, large master bedroom, built in pool, within walking distance to the beach. Our budget is 1.1 million.


Or the show on GAC where they are shopping for a new RV.

Narrator: John and Jan are looking to upgrade their pull behind trailer to a Class A RV. Jan is a hairdresser and John works in construction.

Couple: We are tired of having to pull a trailer behind our car and ready to travel in a Class A with all the comforts of home. Our budget for the upgrade is half a million.

HALF A MILLION? Are you kidding me?

Man, what kind of investment savings do you have? Hook me up please!

Today I watched yet another show where the woman was a writer and her husband was another volunteer fire fighter. They were looking for their dream mountain home in Signal Mountain, Tennessee. Their budget $825,000.


In most of these programs the couple gets to see three options and then must make the hard decision of what dream, home or RV they pick.

Okay maybe these couples had an inheritance or something but they were odd jobs that you rarely associate with having that type of spending money. It would be different if they introduced the couple as a Chemical Engineer and a Plastic Surgeon or a physicist and Neuroscientist or an Astronaut and Biochemical Specialist. 

But hey, kudos to them for being disciplined with their funds. If based on my reality, here is what my program would sound like.

Narrator: Patty is a reporter for a small community newspaper in Southeast, Georgia. She recently had to relocate but kept her job and has been working remotely through the COVID-19 pandemic. She is looking for a small plot of land where she might develop a second home for when she travels to Georgia for office visits and interviews.

Show Host: What are your must haves and what is your budget?

Patty: Well I’d love for it to be about an acre. It must have water and sewer connections or water and a septic tank. It would be great if it was already cleared and fenced in for my dogs. Somewhere near the office but not in the heart of town. Somewhere already zoned in a way that would allow me to take and park my trailer (after I scrape enough money to buy one) so I have a place to stay during my visits and while I build my new home. As for budget, FREE would be best but I guess I can beg, borrow and steal enough to afford $20K.

Show producer: Cut to a commercial!

Show host (looking at me with disdain): You are kidding us right. How do you expect us to show you anything in that cheap price range that meets all your needs? Sorry we are going to have to look for another person or you need to lie and say your budget is at least $100K.

I would get booted off the show. Actually I would never get passed the audition process to begin with. But I do love watching those programs and dreaming. I could picture myself in a nice RV one day and having the budget to afford it. If those other TV couples can do it, then so can I.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed and each day that you wake up is a precious gift. Live, laugh, love and chase your dreams. 

And once again I had to be reminded of this lesson the hard way. Just the other day, we lost yet another long-time community servant and all around great person – Bobby Ryon. My heartfelt condolences go out to Bobby’s family on his sudden passing. My heart breaks for his wife Kimberly and their family. Bobby loved his family and he loved his community. He was a past Chamber of Commerce Chairman and served on the Hinesville City Council. He was a loving father, devoted husband, community volunteer, public servant and highly respected individual.

They say God has a plan for everyone and we should trust his plans. But when God takes good people from us far too soon it is hard to understand why. Yet trust we must, and I hope Bobby, Joe Parker and Cuz are having some great conversations about Liberty County and their families and keeping a watchful eye over those they love.

Until we meet in Heaven, rest in peace.

-Patty Leon

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