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Wounded Warrior Project targets vets
Letter to the editor

Editor, The Wounded Warrior Project has sued a combat veteran — again.
In 2013, the WWP sued combat veteran Dean Graham. Graham, who founded Help Indiana Vets, was using 100 percent of contributions received directly to assist veterans. He thought it unconscionable that WWP was paying lavish salaries of over $300,000 to WWP executives and stated so on his blog. WWP figured it had lost about $70,000 in contributions (I’m not sure how they came up with that amount) as a result of Dean’s blog, so it filed suit in U.S. District Court.
Not being able to afford counsel to defend against WWP’s team of attorneys, Dean signed a consent judgment in June 2014. Later, it was reported that WWP raised $225 million in 2013. That means $70,000 is a miniscule. It’s .0003 percent of their $225 million intake. Go figure.
Now, wounded Vietnam combat veteran Alex Graham (no relation to Dean) recently received word he is the next target of WWP’s wrath. It seems that 100-percent disabled Alex, who also advocates for brethren warriors, had the audacity to repost some of Dean’s findings, and now a lot more folks are questioning WWP motives.    
Alex, too, questioned why 11 nonprofit WWP executives received $2.2 million in annual salaries in 2013 as reported on tax forms as well as other peculiarities.
We know WWP commercials are misleading when they sing about veterans “from the fields of Vietnam to the hills of Afghanistan,” but their charter states only post-9/11 veterans are eligible for assistance and other veterans need not apply.  Does the misleading advertising, the lavish executive salaries and other inconsistencies make this a legal scam? That should be left to each individual to decide. But you’d better not say it out loud or you, too, may end up on WWP’s target list.

— Bruce McCartney

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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Protecting your garden from the cold
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.
I watched the news the other day, and a cold front was approaching. When I say it was cold, that does not express how cold it was outside.
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