The 10th annual Henry “Hank” White golf tournament was held Aug. 2 at Cherokee Rose Country Club, with both good golf and academic achievements honored.
On the course, the team of Les Deen, Tommy Pauley, and Ricky Strickland earned first place with a team score of 17 under par. The team of Joey Brown, Jack Shuman, Alan Brown and Angel Cordero (-13) topped Bucky Keel, Steve Wiggins, James Jones and Jeff Stewart in a scorecard playoff for second place.
Other prizes awarded went to Tommy Pauley for the longest drive on No. 14, Steve Bryant for straightest drive on No. 16, Kevin Lewis for longest putt on No. 18, Les Deen for closest shot to the pin on No. 7, and Gary White for closest to pin on No. 17.
Also, seven recipients of the 2014 scholarship awards — culled from funds raised during the tourney — were honored.
Recipients recognized were Ayonna James, who attends Tennessee State University; Leah Hayes, who will attend University of West Georgia; Patience Wright, who will attend Georgia Southern University; Mary Wilson, who will attend North Carolina A&T; Jovonna Reid who will attend Albany State University; Nicholas Carter, who will attend Georgia Southern; and Rickey Gilliard Jr., who will attend Point University.
Each contestant had to submit an essay and letters of recommendation. The recipients received $1,000 each.
The golfers and scholarship winners were welcomed by Henry White Jr., son of the late Henry “Hank” White.
“We could not do this without the golfers — most have been with us for 10 years,” he said. “If you look inside this morning, you will see a banner hanging in memory of Ronnie Mobley, who was instrumental in helping us get the tournament started 10 years ago and allowed us to host the tournament in the mornings. We are blessed for the 10 years of support and want to continue the tradition.”
Derrick Taylor, tournament chairperson, welcomed everyone and introduced 3rd Infantry Division Garrison Commander Col Kevin Gregory.
“Mr. White was a mainstay in the community and the church community,” Gregory said. “By reading his bio, seeing the things that have been done through the tournament in the last 10 years, the thousands of dollars that went to different children and to family members, I understand his focus that knowledge and education are as important as anything else that we do in America. That is really what is going to move our country forward as we move forward.”
Play, academics honored at annual tournament

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