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Tiger JV baseball is all about having fun
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The JV Tigers in front (l-r) are Dominic Materne, Jose Rodriguez, Josh Moore, Charles Burch, Tevin Suttle, Tony Rojas, Dylan Brown, Yannic Tschiatschian and Josh Rivers. In back (l-r) are Zach Hawkins, Tim Alexander, Trivon Williams, Ulrick John, coach Pete Woodard, Chris Pope, Tony Vascarra, Raymond Spath, Kristian Redman and Eron Hodge. - photo by Photo by Jimmy Courier
Bradwell Institute junior varisty baseball coach Pete Woodard tells his kids to have fun while playing the game.
“That’s the main thing,” he said. “We’d like to win, but we’re out here to have fun. If we win in the process that’s nice but don’t treat it like a business, just have fun.”
Despite only one win, a 11-0 drubbing of Windsor Forest, the Tigers had a fun season.
“They never quit on me and I’m pleased with them,” Woodard said. “They gave me what they got and that’s all I can ask for.”
Some of the JV players who stood out to Woodard include left fielder Zach Hawkins, shortstop Charles Birch, catcher Eron Hodge, pitcher Dylan Brown and first baseman Trivon Williams.
Several of the players want to improve and are eager to play summer baseball.
Bradwell’s varsity coach Rhett Hellgren said for his teams to be competitive, summer ball is crucial.
“We have to play as many games as possible,” he said. “The only way to get better is to play games and practice. That’s what we will do this summer is practice and play.”
Hellgren said several area teams play 60-70 games a year. For the Tigers to be successful, he said they need to play at least 30-40 a year.

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