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Debris from cars is still litter
Keep Liberty Beautiful
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Every day our roads are “decorated” with litter by motorists who might not ever think about tossing trash out the windows of their vehicles. Surprisingly, trucks and other vehicles with unsecured loads probably account for more than 60 percent of the trash that accumulates on our roads. We have all seen trash blowing out of commercial trucks as well the vehicles belonging to local residents who think the backs of their vehicles are trash cans. It might seem handy to just toss a fast food wrappers into a truck bed but, even at moderate speeds, garbage and empty containers can become airborne. They end up as litter on our roads.  
This litter doesn’t just spoil our scenery. Debris on our roads can have a severe impact on wildlife that mistake it for food. It can also eventually end up in our waterways, affecting the water quality. Roadside litter is one of the most common causes of water pollution.
Litter and debris also can cause serious road hazards. The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety reports that roadway debris contributes to a number of fatalities each year in Georgia. I have had several close calls when boxes and other items have fallen out of vehicles in front of me. One time, a piece of wood blew off a truck going about 65 mph directly in front of me. The wood hit my windshield, but, luckily, that situation turned out all right. That isn’t always the case, however.  
Litter caused by unsecured loads is also costly for taxpayers. County and state governments have to spend a tremendous amount of money cleaning up the mess that litterbugs create. More than 650 volunteers just spent more than 2,600 hours cleaning up streets and roads throughout our community between March and June. Just think of the other things these volunteers could have done with their time if litterbugs would take responsibility for their own trash?
The litter problem cannot be solved by the cleanup process alone. We must hold accountable those who litter intentionally by tossing trash on the ground as well as those who allow items to blow out of their vehicles. Those who let litter blow or fall out of their vehicles “accidentally on purpose” are still responsible for their actions and the consequences that affect everyone who lives here.
We all share the responsibility of keeping our community clean and beautiful. Garbage in vehicles should be secured. The use of garbage bags or containers to haul trash and the use of tarps, nets, and/or covers to secure items in trucks can make a significant difference in the amount of litter that accumulates on our roads. We should all do it. After all, it is the law.
Don’t use your truck as a trash can. When you do, you make our roads trash cans, too.

Upcoming KLCB events that need your help:
• Nominations for Win-dex Awards for Attractive Businesses of the Quarter will be accepted through Junes 30. Contact Keep Liberty Beautiful for a form or information.
• Thursday, June 25, 6:30 p.m.: Great American Cleanup volunteer celebration. All volunteers are invited to join us for a brief awards presentation and a family movie night at Bethesda Church, 116 Patriots Trail (behind the health department). Snacks and drinks will be provided. RSVP to me by phone or e-mail.

For more information on Keep Liberty County Beautiful programs, contact Swida at 368-4888 or
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