Now it may seem strange that we wanted to play school, but we did. I can remember propping up my baby brother with pillows before he could even sit up so he could be part of my “class.” I know my siblings will croak when they realize I have exposed our childhood games, but I do have a point: I have always admired teachers, starting at a very young age.
You know, I doubt many of us would have the patience to lead a class of 20 or 30 youngsters day in and day out while helping them learn. But teachers do it and they do it extremely well.
Every day they give more than 100 percent of themselves in and out of their classrooms to help our children grow into educated adults who will make a difference in our world. And many of these teachers are helping student learn the importance of recycling.
At Midway Middle School, Joy Kennedy and her Builders Club look for ways to bring what they learn to life through projects. Builders Club is a youth affiliate of our Kiwanis Club. These middle-schoolers, under the leadership of Ms. Kennedy and with the support of the Kiwanis Club, have participated in recycling competitions, Arbor Day projects and much more. They led their school to a top 10 placement in the nation three years ago in the first national Return the Warmth recycling competition. Because of their success, our community received thousands of fleece jackets (made from recycled materials) for children who needed winter coats.
Midway Middle also won the local recycling competition this spring, Recycle 4 Liberty.
Kennedy and the students also collected 120 pounds of bottle caps for Aveda Corporation, 60 pounds of soda can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, 75 ink cartridges for their media center and batteries, too.
This year, Midway Middle School is expanding its efforts. They will launch a schoolwide recycling effort for all of the above items as well as paper, Capri Sun drink pouches and glue containers. The Builders Club and the Science Club are also planning a project for the upcoming Rivers Alive event.
Bradwell Institute is also expanding its recycling efforts this year. Last year, Joanna Van Belkum implemented a recycling program for bottles, cans and paper in certain areas of the school, but this year there’s a team working with Ms. Van Belkum to expand recycling to all the classrooms.
Thanks to all of you students and educators at Bradwell, Midway Middle School and all of the other schools in our area that are challenging students every day to make environmentally positive choices at school and out in the community.
KLCB announcements that you can use to help save the environment:
• Win-dex Attractive Business Awards nominations for this quarter will be accepted between Sept. 1-30. Call 368-4888, e-mail or call the Chamber of Commerce office at 368-4445 for a nomination form.
• Oct. 24: The annual Rivers Alive Cleanups in Liberty County.
• Tell the world how you really feel about litter. Get your free litter car decal by calling 368-4888 or e-mailing
• Keep your “butts” off the streets and sidewalks! Cigarette litter needs to be disposed of properly. For a free cigarette litter pocket ashtray, call 368-4888.
For more information on Keep Liberty County Beautiful programs, contact Swida at 368-4888 or