Volunteers cleaned 43 miles of roads, beaches, trails, parks and neighborhoods. Volunteers also helped with education projects, like storm-water pollution programs in our schools, an Earth Day event in the park, distributing and using 10,000 educational placemats on litter and water pollution, and passing out 2,500 church bulletin inserts on Earth Day stewardship.
A variety of businesses and groups helped make the 43 cleanups and awareness events possible. Particularly, we want to thank Target Distribution Center, Wal-Mart, the City of Gumbranch, the Liberty County Department of Family and Children Services, the Liberty County Board of Commissioners, the Kiwanis Club of Liberty County and the Rotary Club of Hinesville for their standout efforts in getting volunteers involved in Clean Community Challenge events. KLCB also would like to recognize several groups and businesses that made events possible through significant sponsorships and contributions. These include the Adolescent Health and Youth Development Program and the Liberty County Health Department, Georgia Power Company, Coastal Electric Cooperative, Canoochee EMC, the City of Hinesville, the City of Flemington, Prevent Child Abuse Liberty, The Heritage Bank, the Georgia Forestry Commission, the United Way of the Coastal Empire, McDonalds Restaurants, The Coastal Courier and, certainly, the Liberty County Chamber of Commerce, who co-sponsored the Clean Community Challenge.
I wish I could name all of the groups and businesses who have participated here but we will soon hold a public thank you for all of them. This mighty army of litter war volunteers included 23 businesses, 22 civic and community service organizations, six neighborhoods, 13 schools and youth organizations, and six municipalities along with the Liberty County government. There also are some specific individuals who I must mention. Pascal Brewer helps make it possible for us to have numerous tree seedlings for planting at Arbor Day. Terri Willett and our KLCB advisory council members are dedicated to making each event happen. I am fortunate to work with these caring citizens. Dave Sapp and the Liberty County Solid Waste staff help again and again at each cleanup to make sure that the tons of litter are disposed of properly. Laura Troutman and Bob Sprinkle at the county office have been wonderful in helping to promote the cleanup events in-house. I cannot thank Commissioner Connie Thrift enough for her efforts in getting the ball rolling with the fantastic effort with the City of Gumbranch cleanup and in spearheading the challenge efforts with the Liberty County Board of Commissioners. And last but certainly not least, a big thanks goes to Leah Poole, our chairman for the Great American Cleanup for 2008. Thank you, Leah, for a magnificent job!
Just think — if this many from our community can do this much, what would happen if all of us committed time to making a difference? We can all do something to make the world — our world — a cleaner and brighter place to live. Thanks again to each of you — groups, businesses, and individuals for making our world and our community a priority.
Current Keep Liberty Beautiful projects that need your involvement:
Through Aug. 29: Cigarette Litter Prevention Project. Do you hate to see that nasty cigarette butts trashing our sidewalks and roadways? If so, then call to get involved in this awareness project to get those “butts” off the street. Contact Sara Swida at Keep Liberty County Beautiful or Vickie Davis at the Hinesville Downtown Development Authority.
Liberty County: Home of the World’s Largest Crayon. Please help us make this Guinness Book of World Records project a reality by calling 368-4888 or e-mailing biglibertycrayon@yahoo.com. We have almost 700 crayons now, but we need your help as we collect even more used crayons to create a giant crayon this fall.
For more information on Keep Liberty County Beautiful programs, contact Sara Ann Swida at 368-4888 or klcb@libertycountyga.com.