Fort Stewart, GA. -
The Marne chapter of The ROCKS penned the first chapter into a book of limitless possibilities, July 27, by becoming the first formally established, nationally sanctioned ROCKS organization chartered at the Third Infantry Division and Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield; and the sole chapter in the coastal Georgia region.
Third Infantry Division Commanding General and Senior Commander of Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield, Maj. Gen. Robert Abe Abrams hosted the inaugural ceremony, and formally presented the charter to me as chapter president.
Afterwards, Maj. Gen. Abrams delivered the oath of office to the chapter officers signifying and establishing activation of formal operations.
Major General Abrams, a lifetime member of 'The ROCKS,' reflected the importance of mentorship throughout the Army, which includes other senior members and honorary members, such as Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, and Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Lloyd B. Austin III. He said providing young leaders a resource to seek guidance and mentorship from more seasoned and experienced leaders will only improve our Army, now and into the future.
The ROCKS Incorporated was founded Oct. 9, 1974 by sixty-five United States Army officers in Washington, D.C. It is the largest professional military officers organization extending across all branches of the military. The ROCKS, Inc. is a non-profit organization comprising active, reserve, retired and former commissioned officers and warrant officers of the U.S. Armed Forces, and widows and widowers of deceased members. The organization provides professional development, mentorship and community outreach to surrounding communities. Today, The ROCKS, Inc. has 23 active chapters across the Army, including an interest group in Afghanistan.
During my ceremony remarks as chapter president, I reminded the officers, we pay homage to those officers who started the ROCKS organization, propelled the ROCKS and laid the framework for occasions such as the one your attending today.
A reception followed the ceremony to foster ROCKS traditional networking and mentoring environment, encouraging senior leader and officer engagement. Additional ROCKS information literature was on hand for distribution.
For additional information on the Marne chapter of The ROCKS contact Maj. Roger Cabiness II or 1st Lt. Nikela Thibodeaux at Please visit the national ROCKS Web site at The National Web site provides additional information about "ROCKS" history, programs, awards, employment and scholarship opportunities, as well as National efforts supporting Veterans like the 2012 Hiring Our Heroes. Like us on Facebook at Marne Rocks and Rocks, Inc.