Editor, Readers beware! If approved, the Liberty County Development Authority wastewater permit for the Tradeport East Center will allow the daily release of 3 million gallons of treated wastewater into the Laurel View River. The EPA requirements will be met; however, we cannot be given a written guarantee that it will not adversely impact our rivers, marshes, fishes, marine mammals and our way of life.
The 2007 Liberty County grand jury suggested reconsideration of the $30 million project and withdrawal of the obligatory SunTrust bonds. Please read their detailed findings at http://libertycountygrandjury2007.blogspot.com.
The authority is seeking construction of an oversized, $30 million wastewater treatment plant in support of Tradeport Center, marketed as the largest industrial park on the East Coast. There are currently only several occupants in the industrial park, but the authority’s motto is, “Build it and they will come.”
This wastewater treatment plant is designed to attract industry and higher density housing to our coastal area. It is a waste of taxpayers’ money and it may be death of the coast as we know it. There are alternative wastewater treatment methods that do not require waterfalls of treated sewage into our waterways. The LCDA should scale down the magnitude of this project due to the ongoing poor economy and because it is the right thing to do. Taxpayers cannot bear the increased tax burden of this facility and we want to continue the enjoyment of our coast.
Georgia only has about 125 miles of coastline, but we have 75 percent of the remaining marshes on the Atlantic Coast. Our marshes and barrier islands protect us and we need to act now to protect these God-given resources.
Contact the Georgia EPD at (404) 362-2680, Jane Hendricks, or your commissioner or senator/representative now. Groundwork has been completed and initial construction has been started. Georgia EPD is interested in feedback on the environmental issues. Hopefully, our elected officials care about the environmental issues as well as the economic impact on the taxpayers. Please act now and please watch for posting of the public hearing on this important matter. The hearing date will probably be in early January, so please plan to attend.
The 2007 Liberty County grand jury suggested reconsideration of the $30 million project and withdrawal of the obligatory SunTrust bonds. Please read their detailed findings at http://libertycountygrandjury2007.blogspot.com.
The authority is seeking construction of an oversized, $30 million wastewater treatment plant in support of Tradeport Center, marketed as the largest industrial park on the East Coast. There are currently only several occupants in the industrial park, but the authority’s motto is, “Build it and they will come.”
This wastewater treatment plant is designed to attract industry and higher density housing to our coastal area. It is a waste of taxpayers’ money and it may be death of the coast as we know it. There are alternative wastewater treatment methods that do not require waterfalls of treated sewage into our waterways. The LCDA should scale down the magnitude of this project due to the ongoing poor economy and because it is the right thing to do. Taxpayers cannot bear the increased tax burden of this facility and we want to continue the enjoyment of our coast.
Georgia only has about 125 miles of coastline, but we have 75 percent of the remaining marshes on the Atlantic Coast. Our marshes and barrier islands protect us and we need to act now to protect these God-given resources.
Contact the Georgia EPD at (404) 362-2680, Jane Hendricks, or your commissioner or senator/representative now. Groundwork has been completed and initial construction has been started. Georgia EPD is interested in feedback on the environmental issues. Hopefully, our elected officials care about the environmental issues as well as the economic impact on the taxpayers. Please act now and please watch for posting of the public hearing on this important matter. The hearing date will probably be in early January, so please plan to attend.
Dianne K. Hilliard