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BoE wrong on coach
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Editor, I was saddened to hear that David Jones will no longer be coaching Bradwell Institute’s boy’s basketball team. The Tigers certainly have lost a wonderful coach.
Jones is a hard-worker from an era that I am afraid has gone. He instills discipline in his players, always wants the best and doesn’t put up with any slack.
But, no matter how hard he was on his players, he never talked bad about them in public. I should know. I covered Bradwell basketball in 2006 for this paper and had the esteemed honor of becoming friends with DJ. He always had kind remarks for his players. He would tell me that the boys may not be the best basketball players, but they sure were polite, upright young men.
With so many young men going astray these days, Jones kept them in line and gave them something to be proud of. There are countless people in this country who have been influenced by Jones during his 35-year coaching career. If someone spends enough time with DJ, they will hear the wonderful stories he tells.
Liberty County Board of Education, shame on you for succumbing to the pressures of political correctness and sissifying in this world. Jones is a great man, who is loved by a hundred times more people than he is despised by. Jones has forgotten more about basketball than some people know.
 DJ, thank you for all you have done.
Jimmy Currier
Albuquerque, NM
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