Editor, I have read the Coastal Courier's letters on both sides of the fence issue at Yellow Bluff. I am sure there is more to both sides than the paper has the room to print. But the limited amount I do know, coupled with the egregious decisions made by our elected officials, brings me to the conclusion that they finally showed their true colors.
A fence was erected that did not meet the county ordinances. After the fact, the people who constructed it asked for an exception. The Liberty County Planning Commission clearly found it violated the ordinances and found it was not suitable for an exception.
But rather than do what they are sworn to do — uphold the ordinances fairly and impartially — they put their heads in the sand and decided to issue a “No comment” recommendation on the issue.
Then our elected officials on the county commission added further insult by refusing to second and pass a motion by one commissioner to deny the variance. Another commissioner had the audacity to make a motion that the variance be approved, despite the fact it went against the ordinances and just plain doing what is right.
Another commissioner then decides he will support the variance if the developer will agree to bring the fence into compliance within 60 days.
The rest of our elected officials then took the easy way out and agreed to look the other way even though the fence was erected in violation of, and remains in violation of, the governing ordinances. Their tacit approval of the underhandedness of this entire issue shows they do not have the desire to represent the citizens, but rather to make decisions based on who the parties are.
It is a shame a citizen cannot vote against the incumbent in every district, only the district they live in. Otherwise, I would be willing to bet there would be a LOT of new faces after the next elections.
The sheer cowardice and inability of our alleged leaders to be the voice of our citizens has once again been clearly demonstrated by the actions of the planning commission and the board of commissioners.
Charles Woodall
A fence was erected that did not meet the county ordinances. After the fact, the people who constructed it asked for an exception. The Liberty County Planning Commission clearly found it violated the ordinances and found it was not suitable for an exception.
But rather than do what they are sworn to do — uphold the ordinances fairly and impartially — they put their heads in the sand and decided to issue a “No comment” recommendation on the issue.
Then our elected officials on the county commission added further insult by refusing to second and pass a motion by one commissioner to deny the variance. Another commissioner had the audacity to make a motion that the variance be approved, despite the fact it went against the ordinances and just plain doing what is right.
Another commissioner then decides he will support the variance if the developer will agree to bring the fence into compliance within 60 days.
The rest of our elected officials then took the easy way out and agreed to look the other way even though the fence was erected in violation of, and remains in violation of, the governing ordinances. Their tacit approval of the underhandedness of this entire issue shows they do not have the desire to represent the citizens, but rather to make decisions based on who the parties are.
It is a shame a citizen cannot vote against the incumbent in every district, only the district they live in. Otherwise, I would be willing to bet there would be a LOT of new faces after the next elections.
The sheer cowardice and inability of our alleged leaders to be the voice of our citizens has once again been clearly demonstrated by the actions of the planning commission and the board of commissioners.
Charles Woodall