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Project should use fools gold
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On Jan. 18 you reported that our county officials are going to use 20 gold-plated shovels to break ground for the new $20 million justice center.
This raises some questions. Did they buy them in China on their recent boondoggle? What does a gold-plated shovel cost? What will happen to the shovels after the ground is broken? Will they be given as party favors to the bigwigs who break ground?
There was a time when ground would be broken for a public building using one chrome plated shovel. Perhaps these fellows acquired the opium habit while in China. That would explain their ever more fanciful notions on how to squander our money. Maybe we could recoup some of our wasted tax dollars if we made the 20 ground breakers keep on digging until the foundation for the new building was excavated.

Mike Keating

Editor’s note: Our story referenced in this letter would have been more accurate if it had called the shovels that had been spray painted gold.
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