Editor, This is actually a letter to Liberty County officials:
Dear commissioner,
I am sure that you and the other commissioners are aware that we are now in a global recession, with the U.S. hanging on the edge of a national depression.
The stock market has plummeted, taking away billions from the public’s retirement savings, banks are foreclosing on delinquent mortgages, businesses are closing their doors and unemployment is reaching record highs. To even consider a property tax increase in today’s economy is insane. In fact it is unethical.
Liberty County has experienced windfall property tax income over the past few years with the county-wide property evaluation of a few years back and unprecedented industry and commercial growth. With the new Tire Rack, Target and developments such as Yellow Bluff and Dolphin Island, the county should be in fine shape. The point is, even if you feel that you need additional money, you need to do like the state government and make the necessary budget cuts to not spend beyond what you have.
Furthermore, I would think that if anything you should try to help the citizens that you represent by considering lowering taxes in these desperate times. With the high number of foreclosures, property values have come down. I would think that now would be a good time to do another county-wide property evaluation to bring the property values back down to reflect the current conditions. Also, I would think that the present crisis is great enough that some sort of relief will be provided for people to pay their taxes on installment to prevent further hardships and perhaps even the event of losing their property.
I’m sure that after considering this global crisis that we the citizens can count on you for relief and not additional hardships.
Dear commissioner,
I am sure that you and the other commissioners are aware that we are now in a global recession, with the U.S. hanging on the edge of a national depression.
The stock market has plummeted, taking away billions from the public’s retirement savings, banks are foreclosing on delinquent mortgages, businesses are closing their doors and unemployment is reaching record highs. To even consider a property tax increase in today’s economy is insane. In fact it is unethical.
Liberty County has experienced windfall property tax income over the past few years with the county-wide property evaluation of a few years back and unprecedented industry and commercial growth. With the new Tire Rack, Target and developments such as Yellow Bluff and Dolphin Island, the county should be in fine shape. The point is, even if you feel that you need additional money, you need to do like the state government and make the necessary budget cuts to not spend beyond what you have.
Furthermore, I would think that if anything you should try to help the citizens that you represent by considering lowering taxes in these desperate times. With the high number of foreclosures, property values have come down. I would think that now would be a good time to do another county-wide property evaluation to bring the property values back down to reflect the current conditions. Also, I would think that the present crisis is great enough that some sort of relief will be provided for people to pay their taxes on installment to prevent further hardships and perhaps even the event of losing their property.
I’m sure that after considering this global crisis that we the citizens can count on you for relief and not additional hardships.
William H. “Bing” Phillips
Liberty County property owner
Liberty County property owner