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Remember the importance of family
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I remember being in church a number of years ago when my pastor was making closing announcements. The week had been designated “Home and Family Week,” and family had been the sermon topic for the day.
But then he began to read from the announcement sheet: The men’s group met one night that week and the women’s group met another night. There were separate activities for boys and girls on two other nights, and the youth group (grades 7-12) had an event scheduled for yet another night.
After reading through that list, Dr. Bailey looked up at us and said. “Folks, at the risk of being fired, I have one final announcement to make. This is ‘Home and Family Week.’ All activities of the church that take you out of your home and away from your family are hereby canceled for this week only. Spend all the time you can with your family this week.” And with that he dismissed us. Not only was he not fired, but that little country church stood and applauded.
I believe in the church. I believe that Jesus wants every one of His followers to be actively involved in a local church family. But I am reminded the Bible teaches that the first institution created by God was the family. And the family remains important to the Lord to this day.
As we celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow, we are reminded of the significance of the Christian family and home. Some will say that the days of Ward and June Cleaver are long gone, and that we should abandon the family. But I am convinced that there is still much good about the family. It is in our homes that we learn and grow and develop the values that guide us through life. It is possible to overcome a bad home environment, and it is possible for a bad apple to come from a good home.
But there are still many reasons to commit ourselves to our families. I encourage you to be grateful for your family, even if it is not ideal. Seek to heal old wounds if needed. And commit yourself to be a better husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter, as the case may be. Ask the Lord to help you be the person He wants you to be. The blessings He gives, as our heavenly Father, are well worth any effort we put forward to follow Him.
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