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Transformational Christianity draws others to the light
pastor corner

After Jesus Christ’s resurrection and ascension, the New Testament church was born with Spirit-filled believers who were being transformed.

The Apostle Paul, in several of his letters, made statements like, "You used to live that way, now you live this way."

There was an expected change that would come over new believers and that would continue as they became more and more like the one they followed, Jesus Christ.

In Romans 12:2 the Apostle Paul urges or pleads with believers not to be conformed to this world, which means, don’t let the world pour you into its mold, but rather be transformed.

This word "transformed" in Greek is the same word in English for the word metamorphosis, which describes the process of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly. The idea here is that we as Christians can be changed from an old life that wasn’t so pretty to a new life that is beautiful.

Those searching for something that will change their lives aren’t blind and can see right through what they perceive as hypocrisy. The problem is that some are saying, "I may not look anything like a butterfly, but I really am."

Jesus said that it is our responsibility to be the light to the world by shining ours. The good news is that by allowing the Spirit of God to fill us and Jesus to be Lord over every area of our lives, we can be transformed and others will be drawn to the Lord through that reflection.

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