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Sound off for June 15
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Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:

I live in Timber Ridge and I’ve lived here quite a few years, and now I have to sleep with a pistol under my pillow. That is criminal. And the reason is because police will not come through our neighborhood after dark.

Question to all the married people: Why is it so hard for a man to be true to what he has? But the most important question is: Why do women stoop to the level to mess with someone else’s husband?

Hey, Liberty County, how about getting the community service workers some ice while they are working? You all have a cooler on the van but never put any ice in it.

I’d like to know what the penalty is for littering in your neighbor’s yard on Clay Street on Hinesville.

I was in Statesboro on Saturday, June 4 and the gas was 10-12 cents cheaper than any station in Hinesville. I just wonder why.

I live down John Wells Road in Gum Branch and every time you turn around, the electricity is off. It was just off for four hours and it was hot. Not everyone has a generator. I got so upset I called the CEO of the company. Maybe he can find out why our electricity is going off in this area. It is ridiculous.

Have you ever noticed how self-centered those who live alone are? That must be why the live alone — they’re too selfish to love anyone but themselves.

How do people expect President Obama — in just four years — to change what has been done in the past eight or 16 years? He can’t do it all in one term.

To the people who are cheating with other people’s husbands, it’s really sad that you have to stoop to that level. So if you don’t want your job and your career to be jeopardized, I advise you to take a look at what you’re doing.

I believe that neither death nor life will separate me from the love of God, and those who are brought down will soon rise and stand upright. The Lord will hear us when we call.

At the end of Rye Patch Road, 196, County Line Road and Wilkerson Road, the four-wheelers are rampant up and down those roads. Why doesn’t the sheriff stop them? I have to pay insurance and have a driver’s license, but they run up and down the road and nobody stops them.

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