Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
I really hope that the Hinesville City Council and the code enforcement people start looking at single-family dwellings here being inundated with young single soldiers using the homes they are renting from the realtors like their barracks. They throw trash all over the place and run over people’s yards. They are in and out with boom boxes all night. It’s nothing against the soldiers, but the properties are deteriorating by a lack of enforcement. Hinesville is a good place to live but you are letting it turn into a (slum) area, especially the Timber Ridge area. It’s unreal.
Liberty County’s biggest joke of the day — and of the year — is the alternative school. Now you have two sessions at different locations, so twice a day you allow your students to wander the streets, rip off home areas, buy drugs and do whatever they want to do. They are better off than the kids at schools because Liberty County is a joke.
Liberty County, see how many people are out of work and who are filing for whatever they can get. Either to steal or legally. Because they will not work. Look at all your facilities; it seems like only Hispanics work there. Blacks aren’t working, very few whites are working, and the rest of the folks are just leeching off the taxpayer.
Well, Chief Stagmeier, you increased your patrol in every area except for Timber Ridge. During the day or night, we still don’t see police cars except when they're driving on Frank Cochran to get to Screven to get back to the station. They don’t come around the neighborhood and when they do, they whizz by and are busy speaking on their cell phone.