The City of Hinesville Public Works / ESG Operations, Inc. reported a sewage spill of 13,515 gallons of partially treated wastewater on Tupelo Trail on Friday, October 2. The cause of the spill was a damaged sewer line that leaked into the unnamed tributary of Peacock Creek. The area has been cleaned and limed and the pipe has been repaired. Additionally, the EPD and health department have been notified. For more information, please contact Whitney Morris – Reed, Public Relations Manager, at or 912.271.6421 or Ben Morrow, ESG Operations at 912.876.8216 or ABOUT THE CITY OF HINESVILLE: The City of Hinesville was established in 1837 and is recognized as one of the fastest growing cities in the State of Georgia in both size and population. As the largest city in Liberty County, it serves as the county seat and is home to more than 35,000 people. For more information, visit
City reports sewage spill

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