“Ask and ye shall receive.”
That is the lesson God has instructed Dr. Michael and Audrey Guido of Metter to employ throughout their lives of service and Christian evangelism all over the world.
Ask and ye shall, indeed, receive. Starting with only $100 in their pockets and vowing to never ask for money or try to sell anything, answered prayers and faith in God’s promises have built the Guidos’ start-up association into a worldwide ministry in South Georgia. And Brewton-Parker College is becoming a part of it.
In April, BPC entered into a partnership with world-renowned radio and television evangelist, Dr. Michael Guido and his ministry, The Guido Evangelistic Association, to create The Michael Guido School of Evangelism. This new school is the only one in the nation offering a curriculum-based program — a certificate in Christian evangelism studies ‚ to its students. Classes are scheduled to begin in mid-October, and the admissions process is going on now.
The 30-hour program will be held in Metter at Guido Gardens, and students will study under the tutelage of Guido and others skilled in the art of evangelism. Coursework includes classes such as “Introduction to Evangelism,” “Evangelism in the City” and “Introduction to Church Planting” and may be applied to a degree track for the bachelor of ministry degree in BPC’s Division of Religion and Philosophy.
“I have personally long admired Michael and Audrey Guido for their tireless service to Christ and their unblemished example of Christian faith and stewardship,” said Dr. David R. Smith, BPC president. “A new generation of Christian evangelists, both vocational and lay persons, can now be instructed in their example and used by God to help change the world in which they live through the training presented through The Michael Guido School of Evangelism.”
BPC, building on the principles of the Guidos and God’s promises in action, is laying the groundwork for a repeat of God’s miracles in the lives of its students and the world it will reach through the graduates of this new school of evangelism. The goal of the school is “to protect, perpetuate and promote the values, methods and experiences of Michael A. Guido, as demonstrated by him during his lifetime of Christian evangelism.”
According to the agreement, “The school will only glorify Jesus Christ, the Lord God and the Holy Spirit — the triune God — by preparing believers committed to the faith once dedicated to live lives that are focused and dedicated to evangelism as ministers or into the role of servant leadership in the life of laity.”
Guido’s younger brother, Larry, who is associate director of GEA, will serve as director of the Metter location and will hold an appointment as an adjunct professor.
“Fervently and faithfully, I have been praying that the Lord will make this school of evangelism profitable and popular,” Michael Guido said to Smith in a recent correspondence. “How thrilled I am at the prospect of working with your students. You can count on me to do my very best to be profitable to our Savior and your school. No burden will be too big and no task will be too tiring. I want to soak in as much of the word of God as I can, and I want the Lord to squeeze out every drop of blessing so that when He takes me home I will be completely wrung dry!”
Guido has been serving the Lord since he heard the Gospel preached during a tent revival in Lorain, Ohio, his hometown, when he was 18 years old. He had been touring as a dance band member and leader during the Depression, and his life was forever changed — indeed, the lives of many — were changed when he answered God’s call of salvation and service over 70 years ago.
Michael and Audrey Guido’s autobiography, “Seeds from the Sower: How God is blessing a couple who dare to take Him at His Word” was published in 1990. The couple and many volunteers maintain a website, www.the-sower.com, which brings the plan of salvation up to the speed of the 21st century’s, fast-paced communication through offerings of daily devotional e-mails and a virtual glimpse of the Guidos’ prayer bulletin board, which announces the daily needs of the Guidos. This is the same board where the words “Ask and you shall receive” are emblazoned above it and the verse of Jeremiah 33:3 is engraved around its wooden frame: “Call unto me and I will answer you.”
And answer the Guidos and Brewton-Parker, He has.
To learn more about The Michael Guido School of Evangelism, contact BPC’s Office of Admissions at 912-583-3265 or the GEA at 912-685-2222.
Fast facts about the school
• 30 semester-hour program for certificate of completion
• Opportunities for internships with the GEA
• Costs are one-half the tuition costs of BPC’s accredited programs. Books and supplies are extra.
• All courses will be transferable to a four-year ministry degree program track at BPC
• Classes will be held at Guido Gardens in Metter.
• Professors include Dr. Michael Guido and others skilled in the art of evangelism
Arnold is director of News and Public Information for Brewton-Parker.
That is the lesson God has instructed Dr. Michael and Audrey Guido of Metter to employ throughout their lives of service and Christian evangelism all over the world.
Ask and ye shall, indeed, receive. Starting with only $100 in their pockets and vowing to never ask for money or try to sell anything, answered prayers and faith in God’s promises have built the Guidos’ start-up association into a worldwide ministry in South Georgia. And Brewton-Parker College is becoming a part of it.
In April, BPC entered into a partnership with world-renowned radio and television evangelist, Dr. Michael Guido and his ministry, The Guido Evangelistic Association, to create The Michael Guido School of Evangelism. This new school is the only one in the nation offering a curriculum-based program — a certificate in Christian evangelism studies ‚ to its students. Classes are scheduled to begin in mid-October, and the admissions process is going on now.
The 30-hour program will be held in Metter at Guido Gardens, and students will study under the tutelage of Guido and others skilled in the art of evangelism. Coursework includes classes such as “Introduction to Evangelism,” “Evangelism in the City” and “Introduction to Church Planting” and may be applied to a degree track for the bachelor of ministry degree in BPC’s Division of Religion and Philosophy.
“I have personally long admired Michael and Audrey Guido for their tireless service to Christ and their unblemished example of Christian faith and stewardship,” said Dr. David R. Smith, BPC president. “A new generation of Christian evangelists, both vocational and lay persons, can now be instructed in their example and used by God to help change the world in which they live through the training presented through The Michael Guido School of Evangelism.”
BPC, building on the principles of the Guidos and God’s promises in action, is laying the groundwork for a repeat of God’s miracles in the lives of its students and the world it will reach through the graduates of this new school of evangelism. The goal of the school is “to protect, perpetuate and promote the values, methods and experiences of Michael A. Guido, as demonstrated by him during his lifetime of Christian evangelism.”
According to the agreement, “The school will only glorify Jesus Christ, the Lord God and the Holy Spirit — the triune God — by preparing believers committed to the faith once dedicated to live lives that are focused and dedicated to evangelism as ministers or into the role of servant leadership in the life of laity.”
Guido’s younger brother, Larry, who is associate director of GEA, will serve as director of the Metter location and will hold an appointment as an adjunct professor.
“Fervently and faithfully, I have been praying that the Lord will make this school of evangelism profitable and popular,” Michael Guido said to Smith in a recent correspondence. “How thrilled I am at the prospect of working with your students. You can count on me to do my very best to be profitable to our Savior and your school. No burden will be too big and no task will be too tiring. I want to soak in as much of the word of God as I can, and I want the Lord to squeeze out every drop of blessing so that when He takes me home I will be completely wrung dry!”
Guido has been serving the Lord since he heard the Gospel preached during a tent revival in Lorain, Ohio, his hometown, when he was 18 years old. He had been touring as a dance band member and leader during the Depression, and his life was forever changed — indeed, the lives of many — were changed when he answered God’s call of salvation and service over 70 years ago.
Michael and Audrey Guido’s autobiography, “Seeds from the Sower: How God is blessing a couple who dare to take Him at His Word” was published in 1990. The couple and many volunteers maintain a website, www.the-sower.com, which brings the plan of salvation up to the speed of the 21st century’s, fast-paced communication through offerings of daily devotional e-mails and a virtual glimpse of the Guidos’ prayer bulletin board, which announces the daily needs of the Guidos. This is the same board where the words “Ask and you shall receive” are emblazoned above it and the verse of Jeremiah 33:3 is engraved around its wooden frame: “Call unto me and I will answer you.”
And answer the Guidos and Brewton-Parker, He has.
To learn more about The Michael Guido School of Evangelism, contact BPC’s Office of Admissions at 912-583-3265 or the GEA at 912-685-2222.
Fast facts about the school
• 30 semester-hour program for certificate of completion
• Opportunities for internships with the GEA
• Costs are one-half the tuition costs of BPC’s accredited programs. Books and supplies are extra.
• All courses will be transferable to a four-year ministry degree program track at BPC
• Classes will be held at Guido Gardens in Metter.
• Professors include Dr. Michael Guido and others skilled in the art of evangelism
Arnold is director of News and Public Information for Brewton-Parker.