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Logic does not a solid marriage make
Military spouse
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The here-again, gone-again nature of a military marriage is tough on all couples. Between the initial separation of basic training and advanced individual training, schools and the national training center, and deployments, it’s almost surprising when a spouse finds themselves living with their soldier for a year straight.
So what am I doing in Iowa while he’s in Georgia?
Although at the time waiting up here while he finishes closing on our house down there seemed the most logical solution to our dilemma, now it seems almost foolish. Logically, it makes sense that it’s easier for friends to put up one guy than the one guy plus dog and pregnant wife. Logically, it makes sense for us to save the money, especially with the baby’s fast-approaching arrival. Logically, we’re used to this and a couple of weeks or even a couple of months should be no big deal.
But it isn’t logic that keeps a marriage together despite whatever distances are put between you. Logic doesn’t fill the absence of a missing half and logic doesn’t conquer all. Love does.
And right now, the part of me that’s even more emotional than usual because of these pregnancy hormones is pretty upset with my logical side. But if there’s one thing the military can give to a marriage it’s the reminder to always look forward — to take what comes as it comes and to hope a better time comes quickly.
Soon we’ll be settled in a house we own with enough extra money to actually decorate the nursery. Logically, that works for me. Emotionally? Well, I’m about four-and-a-half months pregnant now, so not much works for me emotionally anyway.

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