Are you ready to make a difference this fall? Then consider volunteering this month for our ninth annual Rivers Alive in Liberty County.
It’s held each year on the fourth Saturday of October as an official USA Weekend Make a Difference Day activity. This year’s action day and our main Rivers Alive event day is Saturday, Oct. 25.
Each year, millions of people care enough about their communities to volunteer on this day (or a day near the main day) and accomplish thousands of needed projects in thousands of communities. Anyone can participate by carrying out a volunteer project that helps others. There is a project out there that is perfect for you. At Keep Liberty Beautiful, we hope you will choose to help our local waterways and wetlands during Rivers Alive. But even if you don’t, look for a project that fits you. For more information, check out
Last year, over 576 local citizens came out and made differences in 50 locations in our county. Why? Because they understand that water is a treasure. Over 40 percent of Liberty County is waterways. Together, we can make a positive difference for all of these incredibly vulnerable waterways around us.
The mission of Rivers Alive is to create awareness of and involvement in the preservation of Georgia's water resources. Rivers Alive targets cleanups across all waterways in the state, including creeks, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and the ocean. Rivers Alive is a statewide waterway-cleanup effort sponsored by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and Keep Georgia Beautiful in collaboration with the international efforts of The Ocean Conservancy.
This year we will spend the morning of Oct. 25 cleaning at least 40 locations. We do try to work in many areas in the roads along wetlands, etc., because that is where a lot of the litter occurs that is damaging to our waters. My theory is that it is a lot easier to catch litter where it happens. When it gets to our waterways, it is much more challenging to retrieve. So, don’t worry, I can find you a place where your feet will stay nice and dry.
Let’s not forget our ocean, too. We will have a beach cleanup Oct. 18 on the north end of St. Catherines Island to clean up any litter and debris at the beach area. We still need kind boaters to volunteer.
If the 25th does not work for you, we have many groups who have their cleanups in October, which works for them and their fellow volunteers. We are happy to schedule you or your group on another day and provide the cleanup supplies you will need. The first 500 registered volunteers will receive official Rivers Alive T-shirts. Our volunteers on the 25th also are invited to a post-cleanup cookout, graciously provided by our sponsor, SNF Chemtall, at Riceboro Creek on Highway 17 South.
Call Keep Liberty Beautiful today at 880-4888 or email to register for one of the numerous cleanup sites from Walthourville to the Atlantic Ocean. There is a place just right for you.
We provide the cleanup supplies and water for each location and the official Rivers Alive T-shirts. Plan now to make a difference. Life happens fast — don’t miss your chance to make our waterways a healthier place.
Also, remember to nominate a pretty yard for HomeProud recognitions. We will accept nominations through Friday. To nominate a neighbor’s home or even your own, call 880-4888, email or find KLB on Facebook. We need the basics — the names of the residents, address and, if available, a picture of the home. The homes will be featured at, our Facebook page and in the picture gallery at
Swida is director of Keep Liberty Beautiful.
Make a difference at Rivers Alive
Keep Liberty Beautiful

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