Two years ago President Obama kicked off “Recovery Summer,” promising the American people that we would really start to see the impact of his “stimulus” and economic policies. If May’s jobs report is an indicator, it looks like we’ll be waiting again this summer.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, just 69,000 jobs were added last month. That’s far short of the already anemic predictions of 150,000 and even shorter of the 250,000 that must be created just to keep up with population growth.
The unemployment rate also notched up to 8.2 percent, making May the 40th consecutive month in which unemployment has been above 8 percent. The real unemployment rate, which includes those who have been forced to take part time work because they cannot find full time employment, is 14.8 percent.
As if it wasn’t bad enough, the jobs reports for the past two months were revised downward meaning March and April’s already dismal reports were actually rosier than reality.
A staggering 23.2 million Americans are now unemployed, underemployed or have given up looking for work.
It is clear that job creators cannot get a foothold in this economy. Who can blame them?
They face the threat of the largest tax increase in American history, an onslaught of overly-burdensome regulations, and gas prices that have doubled over the past three and a half years. All while Washington increases uncertainty by piling on debt.
What did the Obama Administration advocate for in response to the report? More government spending.
We tried that and it didn’t work. We can do better.
House Republicans have passed 27 bipartisan jobs measures that await Senate action. From repealing job-killing regulations, empowering entrepreneurs to create jobs, removing out-dated government barriers to business growth, and increasing access to American-made energy, these bills would begin creating jobs today.
If President Obama or his allies in the Senate think we are missing something, I would encourage them to offer their own proposals.
To date, the president appears preoccupied with campaigning, having held more campaign events than his five predecessors combined, and pushing a “to do” list that was meant for little more than a photo-op. Even members of his own party are not biting.
We didn’t need another jobs report to tell us this economy isn’t working, but I hope this one will encourage the president to pick up the phone and have Sen. Reid break the logjam.
It’s time to put aside our differences and act for the American people. Together, we can reignite our economy and usher in a new era of growth and prosperity.
Kingston, R-Ga., serves Georgia’s 1st congressional district, which includes Liberty and Long counties.
Recovery summer fizzles again
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