It’s gratifying that generous Georgians raised almost $800,000 in one 24-hour period recently to benefit various nonprofits across the state.
The first annual Georgia Gives Day, organized by the Georgia Centers for Nonprofits and modeled after similar successful efforts in other states, was held from midnight to midnight Dec. 6. In that short time, the drive netted contributions of $782,225.
Among the broad areas to benefit from Georgia Gives Day are children’s charities, education, environmental projects, health care, faith-based efforts, arts and humanities. Specific beneficiaries this first time around include the Columbus Habitat for Humanity Endowment Fund, the Columbus Museum, the National Infantry Museum, PAWS Humane and Open Door Community House. Statewide, funds will help such organizations as Make-A-Wish Foundation, Voices for Georgia’s Children, Special Olympics, Boys and Girls Clubs and the Southern Center for Human Rights.
If you didn’t participate, the Georgia Gives donation page at will stay open the rest of the calendar year.
Georgia Centers for Nonprofits CEO Karen Beaver said she had hoped Georgia Gives would raise $1 million. There still are three weeks left.
— Columbus Ledger-Enquirer