Jiu jitsu training
Jiu jitsu training is open to ages 8 and up. Call 368-2323 for more information.
Coastal Crew Rebels
The St. James Coastal Crew Rebels will host tryouts for eighth- and seventh-grade teams next week at the St. James Sports Center. Eighth-grade tryouts from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Monday. Seventh-grade tryouts will be 6-8 p.m. Wednesday and on March 13.
For more information, call Ernie Walthour at 980-4559 or David Linderman at 912-492-9910.
Relay for Life bowling
Marne Lanes is hosting a Relay For Life Bowling tournament, benefitting the American Cancer Society beginning at 1 p.m. March 9. The entry fee is $25 per person and sign-up begins at noon. Prizes will be awarded for first place team, individual high score, doubles high score and lowest score.
For more information, call 767-4866.
Fort Stewart bowling
Fort Stewart’s USBC Bowling Association annual teams and doubles championship tournament will be April 6-7 at Marne Lanes.
Teams for the tournament consist of four bowlers in any combination and will compete from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. April 6. The doubles tournament will compete 10 a.m.-1 p.m. April 7. There will be two handicap-scoring divisions.
Entry costs $25 per bowler. Forms are available at Marne Lanes. The deadline to enter is March 29. For more information, call 767-4866 or email Les Culver at laculver@coastalnow.net.
John E. Smiley Memorial Golf Tournament is April 20
The fifth annual John E. Smiley Memorial Golf Tournament is scheduled for 9 a.m. April 20 at the Cherokee Rose Country Club in Hinesville. The entry fee is $50 per person and the format is a four-person scramble.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. with the shotgun start at 9 a.m.
This year’s tournament will benefit Micah Smiley, a 6-year-old diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoblastic T-cell lymphoma.
For more information, call Terri Floyd at 876-5503, Tracey Howard at 977-1860, Kelley Jackson at 294-1317, Catherine Smiley at 977-1916 or Steve Welborn at 271-0509.
Third annual Pitch for a Cure softball tournament
Georgia Power is hosting its third annual Pitch for a Cure softball tournament Saturday, March 23, at James Brown Park in Hinesville.
The entry fee is $150 per team for the all-day event. The registration deadline is March 18. All proceeds from will benefit the American Cancer Society. For more information or to register, call Hillery Sanchez at 912-980-5717 or email hsanchez@southernco.com.
YMCA spring soccer
Registration for the YMCA’s spring soccer league ends today. It is for participants ages 3 and older. Soccer coaches also are need. For more information, call 368-9622.
South Georgia Queens
The South Georgia Queen youth basketball organization needs coaches for the upcoming AAU season. For more information, call Jessie Fleming at 912-610-3092 or email jrayfleming@gmail.com.
Junior ABA training at YMCA
Training to develop future American Basketball Association players is from 1-3 p.m. Sundays at the YMCA. It is open to boys and girls ages 6-14. There is a one-time $20 registration fee and a weekly fee of $10. For more information, call 912-610-3092.
South Georgia Kings
The South Georgia Kings are accepting registrations for the spring AAU basketball season. It is open to players in fifth through 11th grades. For more information, email southgeorgiakings@yahoo.com.
LCRD Baseball, more
The Liberty County Recreation Department is registering kids for youth baseball, softball and T-ball through March 15. These programs are for boys and girls ages 4 and older. Participants must turn 4 before to May 1. Teams will be formed at Joseph Miller Park, Briar Bay Park, Hillery Park and Gum Branch Park if enough players sign up.
Volunteer coaches are needed. Training will be provided. Register online at www.lcrd.net or at the LCRD office from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Play costs $20 per child. For more information, call 876-5359.
LCRD adult softball
The Liberty County Recreation Department is accepting team entries in March adult softball. Divisions for men and women’s teams are open, church, co-ed (church and open), industrial and 40-over.
For more information, call 876-5359.
Baseball, softball officials and scorers needed
The Liberty County Recreation Department is accepting applications for officials and scorekeepers for T-ball, softball and baseball.
All programs start in April and continue into June. Applications may be obtained at the LCRD Office from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday.
For more information, call 876-5359.