Another day up, another day down. Let’s look at life one day at a time. Yes, we all have a date book full of times and places we need to be.
What I’m saying is, we should thank God for allowing us to live one day at a time. We are not guaranteed to live forever, so we must be grateful for every day and hour.
The greatest symbol of life is a heartbeat. 1 Samuel 16:7 tells us God looks at our hearts, which tells me that God knows when we lie or tell the truth. He also knows if we are serious when we make vows and whether we plan to keep those vows. God knows what’s inside our hearts, including love, hate, joy, desires, malice, meekness, humbleness and purity — to name a few.
The Bible also tells us, “Let not your heart be troubled.”
Are you in the emergency room? Is your heart beating? To be alive, your heart must go up and down, thereby creating a heartbeat. If you do not have a heartbeat, you have “flatlined,” meaning you are dead. But there is more than one kind of “dead.”
If you are spiritually dead, let God bring you back to life. Let him be the doctor in the emergency room. We can’t control our own heartbeats. That’s got to be in His hands.
We must also remember that like a heartbeat, life has its own ups and downs. It’s when we quit that we flatline spritually and die. There will be good days and bad days, but the good days outweigh the bad days and that’s what it’s all about.
You are alive, so get out there and live. Have a balance in your life. God, family, work and rest. The word tells us to put God first and he will take care of everything else. Put him in charge of your heart and life. You are alive, make it count.
Keep your faith and be blessed.
Andrews is president of the United Ministerial Alliance of Liberty County.
What I’m saying is, we should thank God for allowing us to live one day at a time. We are not guaranteed to live forever, so we must be grateful for every day and hour.
The greatest symbol of life is a heartbeat. 1 Samuel 16:7 tells us God looks at our hearts, which tells me that God knows when we lie or tell the truth. He also knows if we are serious when we make vows and whether we plan to keep those vows. God knows what’s inside our hearts, including love, hate, joy, desires, malice, meekness, humbleness and purity — to name a few.
The Bible also tells us, “Let not your heart be troubled.”
Are you in the emergency room? Is your heart beating? To be alive, your heart must go up and down, thereby creating a heartbeat. If you do not have a heartbeat, you have “flatlined,” meaning you are dead. But there is more than one kind of “dead.”
If you are spiritually dead, let God bring you back to life. Let him be the doctor in the emergency room. We can’t control our own heartbeats. That’s got to be in His hands.
We must also remember that like a heartbeat, life has its own ups and downs. It’s when we quit that we flatline spritually and die. There will be good days and bad days, but the good days outweigh the bad days and that’s what it’s all about.
You are alive, so get out there and live. Have a balance in your life. God, family, work and rest. The word tells us to put God first and he will take care of everything else. Put him in charge of your heart and life. You are alive, make it count.
Keep your faith and be blessed.
Andrews is president of the United Ministerial Alliance of Liberty County.