Liberty County Sheriff Steve Sikes and Deputy David Edwards were the special guests at the Goldenheirs August meeting.
After expressing appreciation for being invited, Sikes and Edwards spoke to the group about scams. Edwards advised members to be aware that scammers tend to target older people. He also said to not be afraid to ask for information.
Lou Quattlebaum led the devotional, emphasizing passages from Luke and Hebrews. Officers for the new year were elected. George Laseter was elected president; Jane Cart, vice president; Ralph Dixon, program chairman; John Stetzer, secretary; and Joyce Laseter, publicity.
The next meeting will be at noon Tuesday in the social hall of First Baptist Church, 220 E. Memorial Drive in Hinesville. Probate Judge Nancy Aspinwall will be the guest speaker. A covered-dish lunch will be served.
All seniors are invited to the lunch and program.
Group hears how to avoid scams
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