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Sound off Dec. 31, 2010
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Here are some of the issues that local residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:

I would just like to say St. Phillips brought back the true meaning of Christmas. They have their nativity and it is gorgeous and it shows the true meaning of Christmas. God bless you all at St. Phillips.


I wanted to thank all of the soldiers who fought overseas. I can’t say that I imagine what you went through because I haven’t been where you are. Thank you for all of your support. We love you so much and welcome home and Merry Christmas. And to those who had to go over there and are missing Christmas, you will be in our prayer.


To the caller regarding the buses, how can you tell the buses are empty? The windows are tinted. I hope the Liberty buses are successful. Public transportation is something that was needed in this area for so many years. My dream is that someday they will run from Savannah and back. What a blessing that would be for so many families.

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