Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
The Friday caller was an employee of a power company admonishing a customer about complaining about their bill.
This goes to Mr. Jones’ office: This is property season time. Yes, I was in line once the clerk opened the door. There was no one in the window. I was in line for 20 minutes, then when I did get to the window, the clerk was just standing there. Her cell phone was ringing. When she finally answered her cell phone, she said, “American Locksmith.” Mr. Jones, election time is coming up.
If I may recall, the sheriff publicly stated he was not going to put his name on the patrol vehicles. How much did this cost the county? Or is this part of the campaign? He’s only finishing up the last two years of the past sheriff, and oh what a two years it has been.
Parents, if your kids are young and they like baseball, make sure you get them on a traveling team, because when they get to high school, those are the only kids that are picked for the team on the advice their coaches.
It’s funny how we talk about the Social Security system running out of money, and we never talk about the welfare system running out of money. What is that all about? Is that fair?
I am concerned about county commission Chairman McIver’s district. He’s done a great and wonderful job for everyone, but I have been hearing in the community that District 2 Commissioner Donald Lovette will be running for chairman. Mr. Lovette, you haven’t done anything for your District 2. I don’t even much know you.