Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
County grass-cutters, at Colonel’s Island, you need to redo Japonica, Camellia and Kings Road. It’s half done. The county needs to check into this.
I just would like to thank all of the men and women who serve our country. Thank you.
The gentleman that called who served in the military and is 65 years old, I appreciate you serving in the military, but he said church can’t save the nation. Know that church might not save it, but God can.
Why is the gas $3.84 here in Hinesville? The mayor needs to investigate. I just came back from Savannah and it is $3.49. This is May 13. Why is Hinesville’s gas still up? I think they’re ripping us off.
I would like to say to the Liberty County Board of Education, we need more study on the football field. There was no one there. People, wake up and see what’s going on. Get involved in that school board.
Could I send a football next year to the new football field instead of paying the school tax?
People in Hinesville need to stop breaking glass bottles on the sidewalk. Cars are not cheap nowadays and people have to ride their bikes to school, you know.
Sound off for May 18
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