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Reference walking parks in Hinesville: Still waiting for the city to build one off Franklin Street by Oak View. Plenty of land back there, we’ve been waiting for over 12 years now. No parks near us in this subdivision off of Franklin Street unless you drive on-post.
Yeah, why doesn’t the editor get with the garrison commander on sequestration? How come they’re not having people retire who’ve been working 32, 33 years and go ahead and have them retire, which would eliminate a lot of positions and save a lot of money also.
Another Sunday without Beetle Bailey. Signed, the frowning old soldier, G.I. Jim.
I want to piggyback on the comment on the recent Sound off about the Arbor Day Foundation. I agree with you 100 percent: they tore down some beautiful trees. I can honestly say that I had the pleasure of getting pictures of my daughters senior year with some of those trees before they cut them down. Who in the world’s bright idea of putting those trees on Veterans Parkway the way they did?
In May 19’s paper, you ran a wonderful story about that Riceboro man that is 92 years old. The only mistake you made is that anybody who can do that who’s 92 years old is not 92 years old — he’s 92 years young. I hope he keeps on going. I’m 65 and a half and could never do what he does. That is an amazing story.
In the Long County area of Horse Creek, Davenport Acres and Davenport Ridge, you all be careful because you’ve got kids going around with lawn mowers that are casing houses. They’ll come up and ring your door bell. If you don’t answer, they’ll act like they’re cutting your grass and two or three of them will break into your house. They caught one of them. Just be on the lookout.