It is not very often we get something unexpected through the mail anymore. Usually, the only things that come are bills, advertisements and the occasional order from Amazon. So, if you are looking for a great gift idea for a special occasion or for no reason at all, try sending your sweetheart one of these surprises.
A love note
Love notes are special. They are simple yet meaningful. To handwrite a note takes time and thought and shows how you really feel. A sentiment of your affection like this is the perfect way to express your love to your significant other. And, sending the note through the mail is incredibly romantic. It is not an email that took only 3 minutes to write and send. Beyond the actual writing of the note, a lot more is also said by the act of finding paper and an envelope, paying for a stamp and walking to the mailbox to send it off.
A postcard
When was the last time you got a postcard? Doesnt it just make you happy to see one in the mail? A picture from some place your loved one has been with a short note on the back. So simple yet so thoughtful. The next time you are on a business trip or away from your honey, send a postcard. Even if it arrives after youre back, it is a fun surprise to get.
An invitation
Sending a formal invitation is a fun way to kick off a date or trip. Instead of asking your wife what she wants to do for date night, send her an invitation (through the mail) inviting her out for the evening with you. You will for sure get her attention. She will feel valued and appreciated and probably melt at the chivalry of being asked so formally.
A gift card
Does your significant other have a favorite shopping website or clothing store she loves? Does she hardly ever feel justified shopping there? Send her a gift card through the mail. If you tell her to just go and buy something, she never will. Or, if you simply give her money, she will probably spend it on something for someone else. A gift card can only be used at the place it is from, and if it is sent through the mail, you'll be sending a clear message that you really want her to spend money on something for herself.
An edible arrangement or a bouquet of flowers
It is always nice when your sweetheart brings home flowers or chocolates, but it is even nicer when he has it delivered. Having the gift show up suprisingly at your door, the anticipation of reading the card to find out who it is from and realizing of course it is from your one true love is a very special experience.
The best part about all of these mailed gifts is they are unexpected. Imagine the surprise and joy on your sweethearts face when she is looking through the mail and comes across a handwritten note from you or a gift card to her favorite store. If you are the one who usually gets the mail, send the surprise through the mail to her work. It will brighten her day and put a smile on her face. Best of all, she will know you are thinking about her. And remember, you can never send too many gifts through the mail.
A love note
Love notes are special. They are simple yet meaningful. To handwrite a note takes time and thought and shows how you really feel. A sentiment of your affection like this is the perfect way to express your love to your significant other. And, sending the note through the mail is incredibly romantic. It is not an email that took only 3 minutes to write and send. Beyond the actual writing of the note, a lot more is also said by the act of finding paper and an envelope, paying for a stamp and walking to the mailbox to send it off.
A postcard
When was the last time you got a postcard? Doesnt it just make you happy to see one in the mail? A picture from some place your loved one has been with a short note on the back. So simple yet so thoughtful. The next time you are on a business trip or away from your honey, send a postcard. Even if it arrives after youre back, it is a fun surprise to get.
An invitation
Sending a formal invitation is a fun way to kick off a date or trip. Instead of asking your wife what she wants to do for date night, send her an invitation (through the mail) inviting her out for the evening with you. You will for sure get her attention. She will feel valued and appreciated and probably melt at the chivalry of being asked so formally.
A gift card
Does your significant other have a favorite shopping website or clothing store she loves? Does she hardly ever feel justified shopping there? Send her a gift card through the mail. If you tell her to just go and buy something, she never will. Or, if you simply give her money, she will probably spend it on something for someone else. A gift card can only be used at the place it is from, and if it is sent through the mail, you'll be sending a clear message that you really want her to spend money on something for herself.
An edible arrangement or a bouquet of flowers
It is always nice when your sweetheart brings home flowers or chocolates, but it is even nicer when he has it delivered. Having the gift show up suprisingly at your door, the anticipation of reading the card to find out who it is from and realizing of course it is from your one true love is a very special experience.
The best part about all of these mailed gifts is they are unexpected. Imagine the surprise and joy on your sweethearts face when she is looking through the mail and comes across a handwritten note from you or a gift card to her favorite store. If you are the one who usually gets the mail, send the surprise through the mail to her work. It will brighten her day and put a smile on her face. Best of all, she will know you are thinking about her. And remember, you can never send too many gifts through the mail.