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Game Review: Here, Kitty, Kitty!
Your neighborhood has a cat problem! The problem is that all those cats dont belong to YOU! Everyone in the neighborhood wants to claim those adorable kitties for themselves. Outwit your fellow feline aficionados as you lure cats onto your property, move cats into your house, and steal cats from your neighbors. Alls fair in love and cat collecting! There are no blenders or explosions in this game, but if you use your Catlike Reflexes and avoid Stray Dogs and Hairballs, you might just Land on Your Feet! - photo by Ryan Morgenegg
The neighborhood has been taken over by cats in the new game, Here, Kitty, Kitty! by Fireside games. Players compete to collect as many cats from the neighborhood as they can by luring them to their homes. It's easy to learn, appropriate for families and features adorable plastic miniature kitties.

To start this three to six player game, every player receives a property board representing the person's house. This is placed on the table in front of the player. The property board is split into three zones: the yard, the porch and the house.

At the center of the table are a bunch of cat miniatures in gray, black, orange and white wandering the "neighborhood." Again, the goal is to lure cats onto a player's property. At the end of the game, the cats on a player's board might earn points. Cats in the yard earn zero points, cats on the porch are worth three points and cats in the house are worth five points.

In addition to the property board, players receive two to three cards based on the number of players in the game. The cards allow players to take an action that can break the rules of the game. Cards are drawn for a full hand every turn.

On a player's turn, there are three things he or she can do. A cat can be moved from one zone to another for example, from the neighborhood to a player's yard or from a porch into the house. The second action is to discard cards and draw new ones. The final action is to play one of the cards in hand. Players can choose any combination of the actions twice on a turn.

At the core of this game are the cards. They can be used to do all kinds of things, such as stealing cats from other players, protecting cats from any movement, moving multiple cats at the same time and more. There are also instant red bordered cards that are played immediately when drawn. One gripe about the game is that the red instant cards and the purple standard cards are close in color, and it's sometimes hard to see the difference.

The game continues by each player taking two actions and play passing to the next player. The end of the game comes when the last action card is drawn, and then every player gets a final turn. Points are then awarded in a variety of categories, such as most orange cats or cats of specific colors. The player with the most points, wins.

Keep in mind that this game is a light game. It doesn't have a lot of rules, it plays relatively quickly, it's easy to learn and has a steady amount of luck. It will appeal to children and families. The strategy of the game comes into play by taking the right actions and playing the right cards at the right time. Did I mention the cat miniatures are cool? Find out more here.
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