Here are five of the top 10 books, divided into three categories: books for information or solutions, books for uplift/getting through, and books to give a new perspective on an old situation (maybe a little unusual or specific).
1. Books for information and solutions.
*The 5 Love Languages of Children, by Gary Chapman. An excellent resource for learning how your child needs to feel loved, not necessarily how you most readily show it. Although children need all five love languages, you can learn their primary and secondary ones.
This book helped me realize a few of my children valued time together most. With seven kids Ive learned to be creative: One child likes grocery shopping (we laugh, learn life skills and eat ice cream); one child likes to watch "Worst Cooks in America" together; and another likes to explain the intricacies of the game Magic (which I still dont understand). No matter what other love languages I touch on, I know their primary ones are being filled.
*Parenting with Love and Logic, by Foster Cline, M.D., and Jim Fay.
Based on a more logical approach with a good dose of love, this book focuses a good deal on natural consequences and affordable mistakes. Absolutely fabulous, it provides specific ways to respond to difficult situations.
Recently, Ive had to do this with two children who continually bicker. Using a positive/negative tally approach, its helped them to see how often theyre engaging (more than they thought) and how quickly they can stop it when the incentive is right.
2. Books for comfort or laughter.
*Lighten Up, by Chieko Okazaki. For years this has been my go-to for eliminating inappropriate guilt, understanding the ups and downs of motherhood and letting go of uber expectations.
*A Joyful Mother, by Linda J. Eyre. A close second was another of her books, I Didnt Plan on Being a Witch. Linda Eyre shares real-life situations with wise solutions. It addresses the roller-coaster emotions that can accompany them.
This book has helped me countless times. One particular experience was when my husband and I were deciding whether or not to have a caboose baby. I just happened to grab this book off my shelf and it opened to a page where she was making a similar decision. Her candor about the emotions and concerns facing that kind of question helped me make a clearer decision for our family.
3. Books for different ways to see situations.
*The Child Whisperer, by Carol Tuttle. Personality profiling isnt anything new, but Tuttle adds energy mapping to make a whole picture of your child. By understanding the why of what your child does related to their personality, you can eliminate labels like naughty or obstinate and instead better parent each child.
Its been called a respectful way of parenting. For example, a friend of mine was talking with another friend. Before sharing an experience about her daughter, my friend asked the daughter if she could the child seemed concerned and said no. Where another child would have likely laughed or joined in, this child felt it was a breach of loyalty. Because of awareness, a healthy respect and trust remained intact between daughter and mother.
Enjoy filling a motherhood need with one of these fulfilling, useful and comforting books.
1. Books for information and solutions.
*The 5 Love Languages of Children, by Gary Chapman. An excellent resource for learning how your child needs to feel loved, not necessarily how you most readily show it. Although children need all five love languages, you can learn their primary and secondary ones.
This book helped me realize a few of my children valued time together most. With seven kids Ive learned to be creative: One child likes grocery shopping (we laugh, learn life skills and eat ice cream); one child likes to watch "Worst Cooks in America" together; and another likes to explain the intricacies of the game Magic (which I still dont understand). No matter what other love languages I touch on, I know their primary ones are being filled.
*Parenting with Love and Logic, by Foster Cline, M.D., and Jim Fay.
Based on a more logical approach with a good dose of love, this book focuses a good deal on natural consequences and affordable mistakes. Absolutely fabulous, it provides specific ways to respond to difficult situations.
Recently, Ive had to do this with two children who continually bicker. Using a positive/negative tally approach, its helped them to see how often theyre engaging (more than they thought) and how quickly they can stop it when the incentive is right.
2. Books for comfort or laughter.
*Lighten Up, by Chieko Okazaki. For years this has been my go-to for eliminating inappropriate guilt, understanding the ups and downs of motherhood and letting go of uber expectations.
*A Joyful Mother, by Linda J. Eyre. A close second was another of her books, I Didnt Plan on Being a Witch. Linda Eyre shares real-life situations with wise solutions. It addresses the roller-coaster emotions that can accompany them.
This book has helped me countless times. One particular experience was when my husband and I were deciding whether or not to have a caboose baby. I just happened to grab this book off my shelf and it opened to a page where she was making a similar decision. Her candor about the emotions and concerns facing that kind of question helped me make a clearer decision for our family.
3. Books for different ways to see situations.
*The Child Whisperer, by Carol Tuttle. Personality profiling isnt anything new, but Tuttle adds energy mapping to make a whole picture of your child. By understanding the why of what your child does related to their personality, you can eliminate labels like naughty or obstinate and instead better parent each child.
Its been called a respectful way of parenting. For example, a friend of mine was talking with another friend. Before sharing an experience about her daughter, my friend asked the daughter if she could the child seemed concerned and said no. Where another child would have likely laughed or joined in, this child felt it was a breach of loyalty. Because of awareness, a healthy respect and trust remained intact between daughter and mother.
Enjoy filling a motherhood need with one of these fulfilling, useful and comforting books.