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'Up' comes to life as this man literally strapped himself to 100 flying balloons
Tom Morgan, a British man, recently flew 15.5 miles across South Africa with the help of 100 helium balloons. - photo by Herb Scribner
A British man decided to take his Up fandom to a new level.

Tom Morgan recently flew 15.5 miles across South Africa with the help of 100 helium balloons, according to BBC. He spent two days suspended in the air, ascending to about 8,000 feet in the sky while sitting in a camping chair.

If this at all sounds familiar, it should: The scene was reminiscent of the Pixar hit Up.

Watch the epic balloon trip here.

Morgan attempted the same trick in Botswana, but his tries there all failed.

"The problem was finding a good weather window and it was difficult to protect the balloons as they kept bursting," Morgan told BBC.

Morgan realized he had enough helium for one more try, so he found a spot in South Africa where he could make it work.

Morgan, who runs an adventure company called The Adventurists, hopes to start a helium-balloon race in the future, according to CBS.

"It's going to be a three-day, long distance, floating adventure under party balloons on a chair probably the silliest air race," Morgan said.
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